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Impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Public Health Emergency

The University and the MPLS Division are aware that the current situation with the coronavirus (COVID-19) public health emergency will have a very significant effect on PGR students, including on their research projects. We are working on policies and procedures to deal with the impacts, but it will help us and you if there is clear information on how the situation has an impact on you as it progresses. We have therefore prepared this template log for you to use to help you to keep track of how the situation affects your research progression over time. If you keep this up to date it will provide important information for us to ensure that you receive any additional time and support you need at a later stage.

This log is designed to be completed by you, the student, but you should share this with your supervisor and work on content collaboratively if required. Supervisors can include their own comments in the additional details column if required. Please ensure it is clear where information is a supervisor contribution.

Please save this document with your name and student number so that we can easily trace it to you if necessary.


Student name (family, first name):                                                                                         

Student number:


Programme of Study:



Event start date

Event end date

Brief description (try to keep to less than 10 words – use the additional details column to add detail if required)

Level of impact (low, medium, high)

Additional details



Self-isolation [EXAMPLE]


In contact with carrier, required to self-isolate at home for seven days. Prevented me from going into lab and continuing experiments, but was able to catch up on important literature.