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A career review and development programme for research staff

course details

This programme aims to support participants to develop an understanding of where they are currently in their careers, and their future options to achieve personal and professional development goals based upon values, strengths, skills and experience. It is delivered online via Zoom. Course materials are provided.

learning outcomes

Engaging with this course will enable you to

  • understand your values and your strengths
  • analyse and appreciate the fit between your current role and your values and strengths
  • identify the range of opportunities and pathways open to you (including some that might not be immediately apparent)
  • identify the gap between what you do well now and what you will need to learn and do in order to position yourself for the next role
  • identify the role of personal impact in achieving personal and career goals
  • take away a career and a personal development plan and a commit to a support network to take you forward.

intended for

Research staff who wish to review their career and plan next steps

number of places


date/ time

This course takes place over three days and participants are expected to attend all three days in full

09.30-13.00 - 18th May 2023

Between Workshop 1 and Action Learning Set - 121 with tutor (1 hour)

Between 121 with tutor and Workshop 2 - Action Learning Sets with groups (set in your own time)

09.30-13.00 - 5th July 2023

RDF Skills

B1, B3

The Researcher Development Framework (RDF) provides a framework for planning and supporting the personal, professional and career development of graduate students and research staff. 

Vitae (Vitae is a national organisation dedicated to realising the potential of researchers through supporting their professional and career development.)


To apply for a place please download and complete the application form (Word doc). Completed forms should be returned to Please contact us if you are unable to access the application form in Word format.


When registering for this course please check our Terms and Conditions (PDF)

Summary of Training Terms & Conditions

Summary of training Terms & Conditions