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In2Science are looking for placement hosts for their impactful programme that works with disadvantaged 16-19 year old school students.
Watch: Empowering voices - Advancing social mobility in the chemical sciences
An hour long webinar recording from the Royal Society of Chemistry in partnership with Chemistry World, that looks at socioeconomic inequalities, how this limits inclusive access and progress in the chemical sciences.
Public Engagement with Research (PER) for REF2029 Impact Case Studies: A Brief Guide
We've produced a short guide to help you think about and plan for PER as an impact case study in REF2029, including what you can do now (spoiler: evaluate).
Read: Young People’s STEM Trajectories
The team behind the work describing 'Science Capital' have released their final report looking at Young People’s STEM Trajectories (Age 10-22), as well as subject-specific reports on trajectories in Chemistry, Computing, Engineering and Mathematics.
Science Advice Note: How can policy making be improved by citizen science?
The Government Office for Science recently published a science advice note on how policy making can be improved by citizen science, based on a roundtable meeting with experts.
Engaging the public through art-research collaborations: New guide from NCCPE
This new resource from the National Coordinating Centre for Public Engagement pulls together useful information on establishing and doing art-research collaborations for engagement, illustrated throughout by case studies, and incorporating tips from experiences from public engagement professionals.
Talking to science deniers and sceptics is not hopeless
Lee McIntyre writing in Nature talks about how to go about engaging with science deniers and skeptics.
READ: Has the pandemic changed the publics' attitudes towards science?
A new post on the LSE Impact Blog provides a run-down from several surveys that have looked to assess public attitudes to science during the last year, compared to surveys carried out before the pandemic.
Read: Five Rules to Communicate Evidence
This comment piece in Nature provides excellent, clear tips and food for thought if you're a researcher who wants to communicate the evidence to foster public discussion and build trust.
The Equity Compass: a tool to help make engagement with young people more equitable
The people behind the 'Science Capital' research and projects have a launched a new project focussed on young peoples' engagement with STEM, and how to help make it more equitable. They've released some new publications and tools for those undertaking engagement.
What's coming up at Oxford Sparks?
An update on what's coming up at Oxford Sparks - the University of Oxford's platform for digital science engagement.
Interested in science writing? Check out these useful resources and training
The Science Writing Round-Up is a monthly collection of the latest news, opportunities, resources, videos, and events related to science writing and science journalism. If you're interested in writing for the public or perhaps intrigued about career opportunities in the areas then it's well worth a read and subscribing to.
A guide to using virtual events to facilitate community building
This new guide from the Centre for Scientific Collaboration and Community Engagement presents a range of 'recipes' of how to do various different event formats virtually, with plenty of useful practical tips and tricks.
Public Attitudes to Science 2019 Report
The Public Attitudes to Science surveys take place every five or so years, taking the pulse of the nation in terms of how people feel about science - covering various aspects of engagement with and trust of science, as well as attitudes towards specific topics.
No more Pathways to Impact: how impact is being embedded into research grant proposals
Throw away your boiler plates, UKRI's new approach to embedding impact in research grants aims for more creative and meaningful plans. I've taken a look at what each of the research councils are saying about it.
Read: Misinformation and Its Correction
An article reviewing what we know about misinformation's origins, how we process information, and why it's so tricky to tackle misinformation. It provides some simple practical recommendations for anyone interested in understanding more to improve their practice.
Top tips on running public-led engagement using social media
The team behind the Nappy Science and Parenting Science gangs have written up their top tips on using social media for public-led engagement - a really interesting read for anyone looking to do rich online science engagement.
Engaging the public on climate risks and adaptation: a briefing with survey results and guidance
Climate Outreach and the University of Cardiff carried out a survey to gauge public perception of climate change and its associated risks. Here, the findings are presented alongside a guide that provides seven practical, evidence-based recommendations for communicators and practitioners working to engage the public on climate risks and adaptation.
Top tips for getting your science out there from Craig Cormick
Craig Cormick explains how scientists can get their arguments across to members of the public.
Planning for Impact: for public engagement and beyond
This new guidance document for UKRI grant applications aims to help applicants write high quality Pathways to Impact as part of their grant proposals. It will also be of use for reviewers to understand what constitutes high quality Pathways to Impact, and for anyone supporting researchers.
The Wellcome Global Monitor
The Wellcome Global Monitor is the world’s largest study into how people around the world think and feel about science and major health challenges. It surveys over 140,000 people from more than 140 countries.