An A to Z of Support and Services in MPLS Division
- Management of administrative procedures and processes relating to all academic appointments in the Division
- Education Planning and Policy
- MPLS scheme for new undergraduate students in the physical sciences to help them make the transition from studying at school to studying at Oxford
Career Development and Training
- For DPhil students and researchers in MPLS. Includes Enterprise and Public Engagement with Research training
- Leads fundraising efforts across MPLS departments, from student support and faculty posts to building projects and equipment costs
Divisional Leadership - Academic
Divisional Leadership - Administrative
Divisional Office Teams and People
- MPLS documents and guidance which supplement those available from the central University
Enterprise Training, Resources and Opportunities
- For DPhil students and researchers
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
- Divisional strategy in all areas of equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in relation to staff and students
EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account
- Provides support for activities that will help to accelerate the impact from research that falls within the EPSRC remit
- Management of financial planning activity across departments; preparation of the annual divisional budget; day-to-day guidance to departments
- Information relating to current postgraduate (DPhil) students in MPLS
- Supports the Division and its departments with regard to HR policy, including recruitment and selection
- EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account and related schemes and information
- Grants to academic and research staff for attendance at overseas scientific conferences and symposia
- For new undergraduate students in the physical sciences to help them make the transition from studying at school to studying at Oxford
- Aim to foster and raise awareness of impact by rewarding it at a local level
- Celebrates success, and recognises and rewards excellence in innovative teaching
- Links to departmental outreach teams and University outreach schemes
- Leads fundraising efforts across MPLS departments, from student support and faculty posts to building projects and equipment costs
- Oversight of strategic planning and projects for MPLS Division, Communications, Public Engagement with Research and Information Security and Data Protection.
Professional Services Together in MPLS
- Information and case studies about Professional Services Together
Public Engagement with Research
- Opportunities, training and resources for DPhil students and researchers
- Responsible for strategic planning in relation to research funding, research facilitation, research policy and administration for the MPLS Division. See also Internal Research Funding.
- Links to departmental outreach teams and University outreach schemes
STFC Impact Acceleration Account
- Provides support for activities that will help to accelerate the impact from research that falls within the STFC remit
Strategic Planning and Projects
- Oversight of strategic planning and projects for MPLS Division, Communications, Public Engagement with Research and Information Security and Data Protection.
- Information and resources for DPhil supervisors
Teaching Information and Resources
Training for DPhil Students and Researchers
- Information for current undergraduates, and for new undergraduates undertaking the MPLS Bridging Programme