Administrative services and resources in MPLS
Academic HR
Management of administrative procedures and processes relating to all academic appointments in the Division
Academic Office
Responsible for Education Planning and Policy, the Graduate Office, Training and Enterprise
Information about communications in MPLS Division, and at departmental and University level
Development Office
Leads fundraising efforts across MPLS departments, from student support and faculty posts to building projects and equipment costs
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Divisional strategy in all areas of equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in relation to staff and students, including Athena SWAN
Management of financial planning activity across departments; preparation of the annual divisional budget; day-to-day guidance to departments
Graduate School
Information relating to current postgraduate (DPhil) students in MPLS
Supports the Division and its departments with regard to HR policy, including recruitment and selection
Internal Research Funding
Internal research funding relevant to MPLS, including the EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account
Research Support
Responsible for strategic planning in relation to research funding, research facilitation, research policy and administration for the MPLS Division.
Strategic Planning and Projects
Oversight of strategic planning and projects for MPLS Division, Communications, Public Engagement with Research and Information Security and Data Protection.
Teaching Information and Resources
Information for departments and Heads of Teaching