MPLS ED&I Initiatives
We have a number of initiatives in MPLS that are designed to work collaboratively across our departments and engage with other parts of the University and externally. By working together, we can have greater impact.
An important part of our ED&I work involves enabling others to progress ED&I activity in their local environments, and providing opportunities for anyone and everyone to learn more and get involved. Find out more about how you could get involved through our Fellows programme and MPLS ED&I Fund scheme, through the BIPOC STEM Network or our specific cross-departmental projects like Beyond Boundaries and Diversifying STEM Curriculum.
Beyond Boundaries
A recurring science inspired art competition where we invite Oxfordshire state school primary students to create artworks inspired by research from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic scientists and mathematicians in MPLS and MSD. Our 2023 competition is now complete with artworks available to view online.
MPLS ED&I Fellows
We recognise that there are talented individuals across the Division who are passionate about ED&I and are dedicated to making positive change within our institution. To garner this energy and support their work, we annually recruit a team of ED&I Fellows to help inform and implement our ED&I action plan.
Diversifying STEM Curriculum
We are working to bring the conversation on decolonising and diversifying curriculum into our STEM disciplines, working with Faculty of History, History of Science and colleagues in MPLS to diversify our curricula. While we still have much to do, we are committed to making change through our projects and action plan.
MPLS ED&I Awards
Through these awards we recognise staff and students in MPLS who have gone above and beyond in their efforts to advance Equality, Diversity and Inclusion within our communities. This is an important way to showcase the incredible work that our colleagues and students undertake, which may otherwise go unnoticed.
The BIPOC STEM Network was set up in 2020 by four graduate students in MPLS and MSD. The Network hopes to promote and support the work of People of Colour within the University and beyond, in order to create a more diverse and inclusive environment within academia and STEM. The MPLS Division provides support to the Network.
If you are considering developing an initiative relating to equality, diversity and inclusion within an MPLS department, your project may be eligible for our Fund. We want to enable local activity that supports wider ED&I aims. Twice a year we offer staff and students in our division an opportunity to apply for funding to support essential ED&I work within departments.