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A new post on the LSE Impact Blog provides a run-down from several surveys that have looked to assess public attitudes to science during the last year, compared to surveys carried out before the pandemic.
Partnerships Fund
Partnerships grants accelerate impact through increased engagement of Oxford researchers with end-users of the research in non-academic organisations.
Impact Workshops
This funding aims to support academics and researchers to coordinate and deliver impact-focussed meetings and workshops.
Doctoral Impact
Doctoral Impact Scheme supports and encourages new DPhil graduates to maximise the impact of their research beyond academia through engagement with non-academic partners in industry, healthcare, governmental agencies, local and regional government, and other external organisations.
Technology Fund
Technology fund supports (i) Technology Development Grants, to develop new technologies to the point where they are suitable for follow on support from other sources (e.g. Oxford University Innovation (OUI) translational funding) or for commercial exploitation (e.g. capital investment for spinning out, licensing deals etc.), and (ii) Impact Delivery Grants to transfer knowledge, whose take-up will provide benefits to users but will not necessarily generate a financial return to the University (e.g. applications for NHS and other public bodies, NGOs, etc.).