Physical sciences underpinning health
Oxford is a driving force for the development of engineering and physical science techniques in the life and medical sciences, allowing breakthroughs in our understanding of biological systems relating to disease, food and biotechnology.
Many of the most exciting life science developments over the last 30 years were only possible due to advances in the physical sciences and engineering, such as the development of superconducting magnets (MRI) or X-ray crystallography (DNA). Progress in the study of non-living matter/systems or of energy is often dependent on new techniques and instruments to measure increasingly complex phenomena at ever smaller scales and with ever greater precision. With the largest and best Medical Sciences Faculty in the UK in close proximity to a broad spectrum of world-leading physical sciences research, Oxford is a driving force for the development of engineering and physical science techniques in the life and medical sciences, allowing breakthroughs in our understanding of biological systems relating to disease, food and biotechnology. This covers a wide range of advances, including AI in drug discovery and medical imaging, advances in mass spec techniques and acoustical deep-tissue imaging.
More information:
The Kavli Institute for Nanoscience Discovery (Kavli INsD): Oxford's interdisciplinary science institute focused on world-class nanoscience research.
Oxford Institute of Biomedical Engineering: part of the Department of Engineering Science, an interdisciplinary technology-focused research institute located on the Medical Sciences campus.