Local mental health support services
This page summarises a few of the wonderful local organisations and charities that work hard to support our mental health and wellbeing. Click on the titles to be taken through to the webpages.
To add more, just contact us on diversity@mpls.ox.ac.uk.
Samaritans Oxford
The Samaritans provides a confidential and sympathetic listening ear to those in emotional distress. Face-to-face support is available at Oxford and Banbury.
Restore is an Oxfordshire-based mental health charity that provides Recovery projects together with Root and Branch and Bridewell Organic Gardens which helps people take control of their recovery, develop skills and lead meaningful lives.
Oxfordshire Mind
Oxfordshire Mind provides a wide range of services and support for children, young people and adults who want to improve or maintain their wellbeing and mental health. They are a standalone charity but are a branch of the national Mind organisation.
Oxfordshire Talking Therapies
Oxfordshire Talking Therapies is a NHS service providing free, confidential and easy-to-access mental health care to people (18+) registered with an Oxfordshire GP. The service offers a range of evidence-based talking therapies such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), helping people to get better and stay well.
Oxford Mindfulness Foundation
Oxford Mindfulness Foundation offers a mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) course run over eight weeks, including two-hour classes per week and home practice. It helps prevent relapse after episodes of depression and reduces stress and anxiety. There’s lots more information on their website.
Anxiety UK
Anxiety UK is a national dedicated, friendly and approachable charity that believes that anxiety, stress and anxiety-based depression are treatable and manageable.