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This page displays the content of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Fund Application Form.

Project Participants

Name(s) and job title(s) of applicant(s)


Email and phone number

Project Proposal

Project summary (100 words max)

Project details (1000 words max)

  • What are the project aims? Please include the following information: (1) identify the need or issue being addressed, (2) the equality, diversity and inclusion element of the proposal, and (3) how the project is aligned with departmental, divisional, or University EDI related action plans and strategic priorities
  • Describe the proposed activity, provide an outline of the project timeframe, and explain how it will be administered. Please identify whether the funding request is for a new activity, or to sustain an existing (or previously run) activity. If the proposal is to fund an existing/previous activity, please provide information on what has been done and its impact.
  • What are the measurable outcomes and impact of the project? Please include information about any longer terms plans and sustainability of the project.

Funding Request

Amount requested:

Have you approached your department or other sources for funding?

  • If YES, please detail any other funding sources (including matched funding or contributions in kind) that you have received (or anticipate receiving) for this project:
  • If NO, please explain why:

Department Approval

Please obtain signatures from the relevant Department Administrator(s) or Head(s) of Administration and Finance, AND Head(s) of Department to acknowledge that they have reviewed and approve of this proposal. Electronic signatures are permitted.

Department Administrator:



Head of Department:




Submit completed applications forms to by 4pm on Friday 8 March 2024.