Successful Applications: 2020 - 2021
The following initiatives and projects were successful in their applications to the MPLS ED&I Fund.
Hilary Term 2021
Mfano-Africa and Mathematical Institute – Mentorship Programme
A pilot 2-month mentor programme during Long Vac 2021 to encourage quality applications from African applicants in Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science and to help applicants build a career in Maths. 10 applicants will undertake an online programme of work over 8 weeks with Oxford-based mentors. Outcomes and impact include increase of quality DPhil applications from African students, collaboration across MPLS departments. We are hoping this pilot will develop into a bigger project in in 2021/22.
Chemistry and Pharmacology – addressing bias in graduate applications
A joint submission from Chemistry and Pharmacology to address unconscious bias in graduate applications, developing redaction software (with commercial potential), to investigate and evaluate admissions processes across the University and beyond. The overall objective is to promote these processes and roll out across the University and beyond.
Michaelmas Term 2020
The BIPOC STEM Network is an inclusive group of research staff, academic staff, administrative and postgraduates within the University’s STEM departments, who identify as Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour (BIPOC) or BAME. The primary aim of the Network is to promote and support the work of People of Colour within the University and beyond, in order to create a more diverse and inclusive environment within academia. The Network will highlight contributions of People of Colour in STEM, explore how to navigate STEM as a Person of Colour, promote effective allyship and work with the University to implement policy aimed at improving diversity and inclusivity that draws on the experiences and insights of People of Colour.
Zoology and Plants Sciences – Colonial Fieldwork Project
A project to develop an online training course for staff and students to address colonial attitudes towards fieldwork. The project will specifically focus on: (a) building relationships between visiting researchers and host researchers and their institutions; (b) collaboration and data sharing; (c) local knowledge and cultural sensitivity.
Zoology and WildCRU – EDI Reverse Tutorials
A pilot project to explore current graduate students delivering reverse tutorials to current tutorial staff on EDI topics, with a focus on increasing their understanding of the barriers to success faced by minorities, and encouraging them to enhance their teaching and research activities to be more actively inclusive.