2020 awards
December 2020
Department of Chemistry
- Professor Andrew Baldwin awarded a European Research Council Consolidator Grant
- Professor Susan Perkin awarded a European Research Council Consolidator Grant
Department of Engineering Science
- Professor Eleanor Stride appointed OBE in the New Year's Honours List 2021
- Professor Andrea Vedaldi awarded a European Research Council Consolidator Grant
Department of Plant Sciences
- Dr Francesco Licausi awarded a European Research Council Consolidator Grant
Department of Zoology
- Professor Aris Katzourakis awarded a European Research Council Consolidator Grant
November 2020
Department of Chemistry
- Professor José Goicoechea elected the recipient of a Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award by the Humboldt Foundation
- Professor Fernanda Duarte Gonzalez awarded the third annual Frank Blaney Award of the Molecular Graphics and Modelling Society
Department of Computer Science
- Professor Ian Horrocks and Prof Michael Wooldridge awarded the BCS Lovelace Medal 2020
- Professor Joel Ouaknine and Professor James Worrell jointly awarded the Salomaa Prize of the Development in Language Theory Symposium
Department of Materials
- Professor Peter Nellist awarded a Royal Microscopical Society Honorary Fellowship
- Emeritus Professor George Smith awarded a Royal Microscopical Society Honorary Fellowship
Department of Physics
- Professor Amalia Coldea awarded the Institute of Physics’ Brian Pippard Prize.
- Professor Gianluca Gregori awarded the American Physical Society’s John Dawson Award for excellence in plasma physics research
Department of Plant Sciences
- Rosemary Wise, Departmental Botanical Illustrator, awarded the Engler Medal in Silver of the International Association of Plant Taxonomy
Department of Zoology
- Professor Martin Maiden awarded the Marjory Stephenson Prize and lecture by the Microbiology Society
Mathematical Institute
- Dr Robin Thompson awarded the Journal of Clinical Medicine Outstanding Research Award 2020
October 2020
Department of Chemistry
- Dr Brianna Heazlewood awarded the Institute of Physics’ Henry Moseley Medal and Prize
Department of Engineering Science
- Professor Eleanor Stride made an Honorary Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology
Department of Materials
- Professor Nicole Grobert elected Chair of the Group of Chief Scientific Advisors to the European Commission
Department of Physics
- Professor Simon Hooker awarded the Institute of Physics’ Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin Medal and Prize
- Dr Adam Nahum awarded the Philippe Meyer Prize in Theoretical Physics 2020
- Dr Becky Smethurst awarded the Institute of Physics’ Mary Somerville Medal
Department of Statistics
- Professor Christl Donnelly awarded the Frink Medal of the Zoolological Society of London (ZSL)
Mathematical Institute
- Professor Roger Penrose is joint winner of the 2020 Nobel Prize for Physics
September 2020
Department of Chemistry
- Dr Brianna Heazlewood awarded a European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant
Department of Engineering Science
- Dr Marko Bacic awarded Royal Academy of Engineering 2020 Silver Medal
- Professor Richard Stone elected Royal Academy of Engineering Fellow
Department of Materials
- Dr Natalia Ares awarded a European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant
- Professor Rob Weatherup awarded a European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant
Department of Physics
- Dr Lorenzo Tancredi awarded a European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant
Department of Plant Sciences
- Dr Charlotte Kirchhelle awarded a European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant
August 2020
Department of Chemistry
- Professor Ben Davis awarded the Royal Society Davy Medal 2020
- Dr Claudia Tait awarded a Royal Society University Research Fellowship for 2020
Department of Engineering Science
- Professor Zhanfeng Cui and his team awarded one of the Royal Academy of Engineering's President's Special Awards for Pandemic Service for their rapid viral RNA test for COVID-19
Department of Materials
- Professor George Smith awarded the Royal Society Armourers & Brasiers' Company Prize 2020
Department of Physics
- Dr Bruno Bertini awarded a Royal Society University Research Fellowship for 2020
- Dr Christopher O'Reilly awarded a Royal Society University Research Fellowship for 2020
- Dr Mao Zeng awarded a Royal Society University Research Fellowship for 2020
Department of Plant Sciences
- Dr Ronelle Roth awarded a Royal Society University Research Fellowship for 2020
Mathematical Institute
- Professor Bryan Birch awarded the Royal Society Sylvester Medal 2020
- Dr Erik Panzer awarded a Royal Society University Research Fellowship for 2020
- Dr Richard Wade awarded a Royal Society University Research Fellowship for 2020
JULY 2020
Department of Computer Science
- Professor Thomas Lukasiewicz elected a fellow of the European Association for AI (EurAI)
Department of Physics
- Professor Roger Davies elected to the Academia Europaea
- Professor Séamus Davis awarded the Olli V Lounasmaa Memorial Prize 2020
Department of Zoology
- Professor Ben Sheldon elected to the Academia Europaea
Mathematical Institute
- Professor Martin Bridson elected to the Academia Europaea
- Professor Gui-Qiang G. Chen elected Fellow of the European Academy of Sciences
- Professor James Maynard elected to the Academia Europaea
- Professor Andrea Mondino awarded a Whitehead Prize by the London Mathematical Society (LMS)
- Professor Endre Süli elected to the Academia Europaea
JUNE 2020
Department of Chemistry
- Professor Ed Anderson named the winner of the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Bader Award
- Professor Andrew Baldwin named the winner of the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Norman Heatley Award
- Professor Vernon Gibson, MPLS Visiting Professor of Chemistry at Oxford, named the winner of the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Lord Lewis Prize
- Professor Madhavi Krishnan named the winner of the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Corday-Morgan Prize
- Professor Christiane Timmel named the winner of the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Tilden Prize
Department of Physics
- Professor Brian Foster OBE, FRS made an Honorary Fellow of the Institute of Physics
- Dr Rebecca Smethurst awarded the Caroline Herschel Prize Lectureship by the William Herschel Society with the Royal Astronomical Society
Mathematical Institute
- Professor Ulrike Tillmann announced as President Designate of the London Mathematical Society (LMS)
MAY 2020
Department of Engineering Science
- Professor Janet Pierrehumbert awarded the ISCA (International Speech Communication Association) 2020 Medal for Scientific Achievement
- Professor Jin-Chong Tan awarded a European Research Council (ERC) Proof of Concept Grant 2020
Department of Physics
- Professor Philip Burrows appointed Director of the John Adams Institute for Accelerator Science (JAI)
Department of Plant Sciences
- Professor Jane Langdale admitted as a Corresponding Member to the Australian Academy of Science
- Dr Pablo Muñoz Rodríguez awarded the first Consortium of European Taxonomic Facilities (CETAF) E-SCoRe Award
Department of Zoology
- Professor Kayla King awarded The Linnean Society Bicentenary Medal of the Linnean Society
- Professor Ben Sheldon awarded The Linnean Medal of the Linnean Society
Mathematical Institute
- Professor Helen Byrne made a Fellow of the Society for Mathematical Biology
APRIL 2020
Department of Computer Science
- Professor Georg Gottlob awarded a Royal Society Research Professorship
Department of Earth Sciences
- Professor Jonathan Blundy awarded a Royal Society Research Professorship
Department of Materials
- Professor Peter Nellist elected a Fellow of the Royal Society
Department of Physics
- Professor J.C. Séamus Davis awarded a Royal Society Research Professorship
- Professor Raymond Pierrehumbert elected a Fellow of the Royal Society
- Professor Tim Palmer elected an international member of the US National Academy of Sciences
Mathematical Institute
- Professor Ehud Hrushovski elected a Fellow of the Royal Society
MARCH 2020
Department of Physics
- Professor Stephen Blundell awarded the Yamazaki Prize by the International Society for Muon Spectroscopy
Department of Statistics
- Professor Arnaud Doucet awarded the Guy Medal in Silver by the Royal Statistical Society
Mathematical Institute
- Professor Konstantin Ardakov awarded the 2020 Adams Prize
- Professor Derek Moulton and Professor Alain Goriely awarded the 2019 PNAS Cozzarelli Prize in the Engineering and Applied Sciences, together with Prof. Régis Chirat (University of Lyon)
Department of Engineering Science
- Professor Nick Hankins elected a Fellow of the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE)
- Professor Alexander Korsunsky elected Fellow of the Institute of Physics
Department of Statistics
- Emeritus Professor Bernard Silverman appointed to the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)
Department of Zoology
- Dr Amy Dickman chosen as one of National Geographic’s ‘Women of Impact’
Department of Computer Science
- Professor Niki Trigoni wins CTO of the year award at Women in IT Awards London 2020
Department of Earth Sciences
- Professor David Pyle awarded the Thermo Fisher Scientific VMSG 2020 Award
Department of Engineering Science
- Professor Eleanor Stride announced as a Finalist in the 2020 Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists in the United Kingdom
Department of Materials
- Dr Alison Crossley is the first female winner of the Rivière Prize
Department of Physics
- Professor Steve Balbus awarded the Eddington Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society
- Professor Rob Fender awarded the Herschel Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society
- Dr Adam Nahum awarded the Physik-Preis Dresden
Mathematical Institute
- Professor Nick Trefethen awarded the 2020 John von Neumann Prize of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics