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PI: Griffiths, Ian

Department: Mathematical Institute

We will develop a software package called MuFFiN for the computational solution of models of Multiscale Fluid Flows in Networks. This will have significant industrial applications, including simulations of filtration processes for contaminant removal and medical problems related to vascular systems.

Collaborating with industrial stakeholders at WL Gore & Associates, Inc (Gore) and many other filtration companies, Oxford Research Software Engineers (OxRSE), and developers of existing mathematical software at other leading universities (VisualPDE), we will ensure that MuFFiN meets both industrial and academic needs.

The project will consist of four phases:

Consultation - Gore and other company representatives will confirm input and output parameters. OxRSE will assist with package structure.

Development - Gore and OxRSE will assist with polishing and extending the code developed in the associated doctoral research. The package will be implemented as an object-oriented library, enabling future generalisation and addition of new models by users.

Validation - Gore and OxRSE will assist with development of unit tests for code validation. Gore will provide experimental data for results validation. We will ensure easy installation and execution on external systems.

Dissemination - We will create a project website, publish MuFFiN under an open-source licence, and demonstrate its capabilities to internal and external users. VisualPDE will assist with creation of an online user interface.

Outcomes of the project include a well-documented software package, a public GitHub repository for code improvement, a website for documentation and issue reporting, and an online user interface.

MuFFiN will maximise the impact of our research by facilitating advancements in the filtration industry, increasing the progress rate of associated future academic projects, strengthening relationships with industry, and encouraging new collaborations.

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