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 Introduction to the EPSRC IAA

In recognition of the often long lead time between research ‘discovery’ (research outcomes) and related impacts, the EPSRC has awarded Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) grants to universities since 2012, including the University of Oxford. The IAA provides support for activities that will reduce that lead time, and help to accelerate the impact (beyond academia) from past, current or future research that falls within EPSRC’s research areas. EPSRC IAA Funding Calls will be announced on a regular basis, usually once each term, until all of the available funding has been allocated.

The University of Oxford’s EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account is accepting applications for support to the following EPSRC IAA schemes:

  1. Technology Fund
  2. Partnerships Fund
  3. Doctoral Impact Fund
  4. Impact Workshops/Meetings

Details of the schemes are on the Funding Schemes tab.

Access to IAA support

We particularly encourage applications from under-represented groups. New DPhil graduates and Early Career Researchers (ECRs) are strongly encouraged to apply to the IAA to gain new skills or experience beyond the academic environment, to progress the impact of their research beyond academia, or support partnerships with non-academic organisations, e.g. in industry, healthcare, governmental agencies, local and regional government, other external organisations and groups.

User Engagement

Note: Applicants to the IAA must engage users in their projects. If this is not the case, applicants must contact the IAA ( to explain reasons for this before submitting an application, as the review of the application will not proceed without this.

Applicants must include a letter of support from their user(s)/non-academic partner(s) with their application; this will minimise time delays between the funding decision and project start. The letter should clearly detail that what the partner will contribute to the project is in line with the information provided in the application. The letter should be on proper letterhead and signed.

Informal enquiries are welcome from applicants – email

Pre-submission feedback

IAA staff are happy to review and provide feedback on draft applications prior to final submission. Please submit feedback requests to up to 3 days before the application deadline. Late feedback requests may be considered subject to staff availability, urgency and need.

Applicant Checklist

Whether you have applied to the IAA before, or this is your first application, please ensure you go through the checklist.

  1. Alert department’s research facilitator about plans to apply to the IAA, and discuss eligibility and project finance requirements with department.
  2. Ensure you have considered project-associated IP, confidentiality agreements, etc, and if applicable, contact the relevant Technology Transfer Manager at Oxford University Innovation at the earliest possible stage, to discuss the project and the intellectual property management plan.
  3. For an impact software project, applicants are encouraged to engage with the University’s Oxford Research Software Engineering team.
  4. User/Partner is identified and has agreed to engage with your proposed project.
  5. Letter(s) of support from external partner is included with application form PDF.
  6. Share your application with your department at least 7 working days in advance of the application deadline.
  7. Feedback requests sent to up to 3 days before the application deadline.
  8. Submit IAA application on IRAMS by department’s internal deadline; Note – this may be in advance of the advertised IAA submission deadline.

Additional Information on IAA

EPSRC IAA case studies 2022 onwards 

Summaries of EPSRC IAA-funded projects 2022 onwards

Summaries of EPSRC IAA-funded projects 2017-2021

EPSRC IAA case studies 2012-2017

List of Partnerships and Technology Fund projects funded since 2022 (PDF download)

Success rate for Technology Fund and Partnerships Fund streams

IAA Grant Conditions

Key dates

Call open: 19 July 2024

Application deadline: 4pm, 10 October 2024*

Partnerships Fund Panel meeting: November 2024 (TBC)

Technology Fund Panel meeting: November 2024 (TBC)

Project starts on or after 1 December 2024

* Please note the Doctoral Impact Scheme and Impact Workshops have a rolling deadline.