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STFC IAA Assessment

Applications for STFC IAA will be considered by the fund selection committee.


Prof Phil Burrows (Particle Physics) – Chair

Prof Armin Reichold (Particle Physics)

Prof Dimitra Rigopoulou (Astrophysics)

Prof Carly Howett (Atmospheric Oceanic and Planetary Physics)

Quality assessment criteria (not listed in any priority order):

  • Potential size of the impact - could be financial and/or social
  • Timescale to impact - will this project and proposed follow up reduce the lead time to impact
  • Likelihood of impact – does the project involve appropriate activities and partners
  • Clarity of plan to achieve the project aims
  • Good value? Impact per £
  • Risk involved in the project - high risk not necessarily a negative; management of risk

Accelerator applications – additional considerations:

  • Demonstrates synergy across STFC - EPSRC remits
  • Highly likely to deliver outputs needed to progress beyond TRL4 and gain follow on support

Please email with any enquiries.