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Expressions of interest are invited for the role of MPLS Health and Safety champion, to support the Head of Division in discharging their safety oversight responsibilities.

The H&S champion will represent the Division at termly meetings of the University Safety, Health and Environment Management Subcommittee; chair termly meetings of the MPLS Experimental Sciences Safety Forum; co-ordinate an annual safety report to the Head of Division (with secretariat support from the Divisional Office); and lead on the implementation across MPLS of recommendations from the current University Review of Health and Safety. We welcome expressions of interest from any MPLS staff member with the necessary experience and interest to undertake this role.

If you wish to be considered for this role, please send an EOI* and CV to Dr Tracy Gale (MPLS Divisional Registrar - by noon on Friday 11 December.

* This should state your name, department, and post; briefly (max. 500 words) describe why you are interested in the role and what you would bring to it, given your skills and experience; and indicate whether you have in-principle support from your Head of Department.