Teams and people in the Divisional Office
Details of our teams and team members, and a full list of all office staff on the 'People' tab'.
Management of administrative procedures and processes relating to all academic appointments in the Division.
Responsible for learning and teaching policy; cross-departmental outreach; divisional-level graduate administration; and training for doctoral students and researchers. Includes the Graduate Office Team, Training Team and Enterprise Team.
Responsible for the management and day-to-day running of the Divisional Office, and provides Executive Assistant support to senior team members.
Responsible for the MPLS website and Twitter, the Division's monthly e-newsletter, communications for internal and external projects and partnerships, and liaison with communications staff in MPLS departments and the University's Public Affairs Directorate.
The Development Office leads fundraising efforts across the departments, from student support and faculty posts to building projects and equipment costs.
Responsible for development of the MPLS Enterprise Programme; supports MPLS departments and CDTs to develop and deliver their Enterprise and commercialisation training and activities.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
This team develops divisional strategy in all areas of equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in relation to staff and students.
Management of financial planning activity across departments, notably the preparation of the annual divisional budget. Day-to-day guidance to departments.
Responsible for the management of all aspects of on-course graduate student administration, support for the Graduate Supervision System, the maintenance of graduate student records on the University’s Student System, supporting the administration of new Centres for Doctoral Training and Doctoral Training Partnerships, and administering postgraduate student funding for RCUK doctoral training grants/partnerships, including any associated funding streams, and various University postgraduate scholarships requiring a divisional competition (e.g. the Clarendon Scholarships).
The MPLS HR Team is responsible for supporting the Division and its departments with regard to HR policy, including recruitment and selection.
Innovation and Business Partnerships Team
The Innovation and Business Partnerships Team focuses on building strong research collaborations between industry and the University, facilitating both enduring strategic partnerships with companies and funding for collaborative research. The team liaises with companies to understand research needs and works with departments to assemble bespoke, multi-disciplinary, research propositions that match Oxford’s strengths to company needs.
This team is responsible for supporting researchers to think about, plan and do high quality public engagement. We look after Oxford Sparks (the University's digital science engagement platform), run training and a number of different activities that contribute to a positive and supportive environment for public engagement as part of research culture.
Responsible for strategic planning in relation to research funding, research facilitation, research policy and administration for the MPLS Division.
Includes the Head of Division, Divisional Registrar, Deputy Head and Associate Heads.
Strategic Planning and Projects
Oversight of strategic planning and projects for MPLS Division, Communications, Public Engagement with Research, Safety, and Information Security and Data Protection.
Responsible for the Division’s training programme for DPhil students and research staff, and supporting departments in developing researcher training.
Justin Hutchence
HutchenceResearcher Training and Development Manager
Dr Michaela Livingstone-Banks
Livingstone-BanksHead of Public and Community Engagement with Research
Dr Elizabeth Peachey
PeacheyAssistant Registrar (Planning and Research Impact)
Hannah Ravenswood
RavenswoodEquality, Diversity and Inclusion Facilitator – Training and Development
Dr Deborah Spencer
SpencerInnovation and Business Partnerships Manager; University Lead, UK Industrial ...
Professor Graham Taylor
TaylorDeputy Head of Division and Associate Head (Estates and Capital Planning)