MPLS Representative for IndOx Strategy Board
Inviting Expression of Interest from academics within the MPLS Division to join IndOx Strategy Board from Michaelmas Term 2021 for two years
The India-Oxford Initiative (IndOx) is a cross- divisional platform at Oxford, promoting research and academic collaboration and exchanges with the Indian subcontinent.
IndOx is led by a Strategy Board (SB) comprising senior academics from all Divisions of the University. IndOx SB is inviting Expression of Interest (EoI) from established academics with ongoing India-focussed collaborative research/ academic exchange, to fill in an upcoming vacancy on its Strategy Board from MPLS Division starting in Michaelmas Term 2021. SB membership is for an initial term of two years, honorary, and restricted to University employees. The SB usually meets about once a term - all meetings are planned in advance to suit all members.
The terms of reference of the IndOx SB are:
- Develop and monitor the implementation of the IndOx strategy, supported by the IndOx Executive Board (EB).
- Liaise with the members"#respective Divisions and the constituent Departments, on matters related to IndOx.
- If required to do so, consider the reports from peer reviewers for funding schemes run by IndOx and make decisions on awards to be made.
- Regularly keep the IndOx External Council updated about progress and consider their recommendations while formulating, reviewing and modifying the strategy for IndOx.
If you are interested in joining us, please email Professor Katherine Blundell ( a brief EoI by 31 October 2021 mentioning any ongoing collaborative research/academic work in the Indian sub-continent. Please include details of your Oxford affiliation/s and Department, within the MPLS Division. The SB will consider all EoIs received and make an appropriate selection.