MPLS ED&I Action Plan
The documents on this page outline the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (ED&I) Action Plan for the MPLS Division from 2023-2026. This plan builds on the previous action plan, which was composed in 2020 by the MPLS ED&I Steering Group and MPLS ED&I Fellows, along with the MPLS ED&I Team. This is a live plan that will continually be updated with new actions, as well as RAG-rated (red, amber, green coding of progress against current actions) annually.
The work has been broadly split into the following priority areas/ objectives:
- Enhance effective communications, consultation/engagement, and reporting on ED&I activities
- Improving behaviour and inclusive culture to support and retain staff
- Enable and support ED&I networks and advisory roles
- Attract, admit and support students from underrepresented backgrounds
- Implement inclusive recruitment practices to increase diversity of staff, and embed ED&I in staff onboarding processes
- Community engagement and advocacy.
We have focused on actions that can be achievable at the divisional level, integrating items from other action plans (so that they’re consolidated in one place), including the MPLS Action Plan, University’s Athena Swan action plan and Race Equality Charter action plan, and key objectives from each of our nine departments. We will endeavour that appropriate information exchange happens so we are joined up as much as possible with other initiatives and activities.
The action plan presented in the attached documents is in a SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timebound) format, focussed around our six identified key objectives. Some actions have already begun, while others begin at the proposed time-frame detailed in the plan.
Click on the links below to view a summary version of the action plan, or a full version (SSO required).
If you have any comments or queries, please contact the MPLS ED&I Team on
Click here to view a summarised version of the 2023-2026 MPLS ED&I Action Plan.
Click here to view the full version of the 2023-2026 MPLS ED&I Action Plan (SSO required)