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The British Ecological Society offer this three month Parliamentary Office for Science and Technology fellowship for their members (who are studying for a PhD) to gain an insider’s view of how Parliament works.

Fellowships offer great opportunities to PhD students, to gain an insider’s view of how Parliament works. During the three-month Fellowship, successful candidates hone their ability to communicate scientific issues to a wider audience, by writing policy briefs for MPs and Peers. Fellows work closely with people across the UK Parliament and get to see how select committees, all party parliamentary groups and libraries work.

POST fellows have in the past:

  • Produced POSTnotes, POSTbriefs, or contributed to other briefing reports.
  • Helped select committees in ongoing inquiries.
  • Organised briefing events on their topic of interest.

Fellowships will start in November 2023 or January 2024, subject to final agreement between the applicant, POST, and the applicant’s supervisor and University. Fellowships are also conditional to security clearance.

You are eligible if you are a PhD candidate in your second year or later, and a member of the British Ecological Society.

The successful applicant will receive a £6,000 award to cover their living costs while undertaking the three-month fellowship. Computing, email, and other facilities necessary for the project will be supplied by POST. £5,000 will be paid on at the start of the fellowship, and the remaining £1,000 on completion.

Deadline for applications is 23:39 on Tuesday 13 June. 

Click here for full details and to apply