British Pharmacological Society Engagement Grants, no deadline
The British Pharmacological Society offers small grants up to £250 or larger grants up to £1,500 to support and promote engagement with all forms of pharmacology and drug discovery research.
The British Pharmacological Society's goal is to support and promote engagement with all forms of pharmacology and drug discovery research. With their Engagement grant, they want to support members of the society who are also working towards this.
This grant provides up to £1,500 for creating or developing high quality, in person or digital, engagement and outreach activities that will reach a variety of public audiences.
You can also apply for smaller ’Seed Funding’ grants (up to £250) that can be used for high impact, low cost activities, or for the design and testing of activities that have potential to grow.
They will give preference to proposals that result in a resource or tool that can be hosted on our website for use by other members, or that can be used to reach under-served groups and communities.
There isn't an obvious deadline and you apply online.