Guide: Evaluating online engagement (events)
Research Services have produced a new guide to take a look at the different ways you can evaluate virtual events (meetings, festivals, workshops, etc), and include a range of pointers to different tools, illustrated with real-world examples of use.
Click here to read the guide (PDF)
What to read next
Watch: Introduction to Evaluating Public Engagement with Research workshop
25 October 2021
The presentation portion of this workshop, delivered by the PER team in research services, is now available to watch.
Evaluating Exhibitions and Displays - A recipe for evaluating museum exhibitions and displays
25 October 2021
This guide and case study, was produced by the PER team in Research Services and takes you through a step by step process to plan, undertake and write up evaluation of the museum display or exhibition using the Traces of of the Past case display in the Pitt Rivers Museum.
New toolkit to support communications with research participants
3 December 2021
Parkinson's UK have published a new clear and simple communications toolkit to help researchers share updates with participants. This is useful for any study that involves participants.