Lost and looking for help? PER support available from MPLS
If you're interested in doing some public engagement with research (PER) but not sure where to find help, we offer a range of support or can point you in the right direction: from training sessions to answering your questions during help desk hours.
Lost? Want to test out ideas? Need some guidance? Whatever support you're after, the MPLS PER team can help you, or point you in the right direction.
Michaela, the Public and Community Engagement with Research Manager is available every Tuesday afternoon, 3-5pm, via Teams to have a chat to anyone in MPLS seeking advice and support.
- To act as a sounding board to help you develop engagement activity ideas
- To advise on identifying relevant funding schemes, and writing of funding proposals, including the Pathways to Impact sections of research proposals
- To provide feedback and coaching on writing, speaking and engaging with public audiences
- To advise on engagement strategy for departments and units
- To broker partnerships
What to read next
Prof Nick Hawes appointed as MPLS Academic Champion for Public Engagement with Research
16 March 2021
Professor Hawes (Associate Professor in Engineering Science) takes over from Professor David Pyle (Earth Sciences) who was the Division’s first PER Champion, to provide leadership and support to progress the embedding of engagement into research practice.