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Sense about Science are running a Standing up for Science workshop for Early Career Researchers (ECRs) on Friday 1st March at the University of Nottingham, as part of our Voice of Young Science network.

The workshop is FREE for STEM and social science Early Career Researchers, trainees, and medical professionals.

The workshop aims to build the confidence and skills of ECRs to engage in the public discourse around science, research, and the research process by bringing together researchers, media, and policy professionals to share their insights and expertise.

The day ends with a practical session on how best to communicate some of the most complex issues of science and evidence and where the public conversation about science can go wrong.

The workshop takes place Friday 24 May, 10am to 4pm, at the University of Nottingham.

The day includes insights from researchers' experiences of engaging with media, and explainers from science journalists and publishers about how the media works.

Workshop places are free, and they include lunch and refreshments. Unfortunately, they cannot cover travel costs (talk to your PI and department to enquire about having these expenses covered).

The deadline to apply to attend is Monday 13 May.

Click here for full details and to apply