Scheme overview
MPLS wishes to encourage a higher submission rate of programme grant applications in the division and has therefore set aside money to introduce the ‘Programme Grant Facilitation Fund’.
The MPLS Programme Grant Facilitation Fund offers small awards to support the preparation of large, multi-million, multi-investigator programme grant applications.
Grant applications must be led by an MPLS academic with majority of the programme grant activity within MPLS. The fund is open to all areas of MPLS research.
Single investigator awards (such as an ERC Advanced grant and Royal Society Professorship), EPSRC Strategic Equipment grants, and “business-as-usual” standard grant applications would not be supported by this call. Examples of eligible awards include (but are not limited to) EPSRC Programme grants and BBSRC Strategic Longer and Larger grants. If you are unsure about award eligibility, or have any other queries, please contact the MPLS Research Support team.
Successful Fund applicants will be expected to share the submitted grant application as a final report.