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The thesis and report writing course is relevant for research students at any stage.


This course covers methods of managing and controlling the process of thesis and report writing, as well as meeting deadlines. It also discusses the principles and practice of high-quality scholarly writing. It includes:

  • The production of reports, papers and theses from a time and project management point of view.
  • The writing task itself: this includes logical argument construction, the importance of structure in a document, appropriate style to be used in academic writing, and how to make the actual writing process as pain-free and effective as possible.
  • An opportunity for you to critique a short paper with your group.


Booking will open at the beginning of Trinity Term.




Dr David Jones


6th May 2025 | 09.30 - 13.30


When registering for this course, please check our Terms and Conditions.


A1, D2

The Researcher Development Framework (RDF) provides a framework for planning and supporting the personal, professional and career development of graduate students and research staff. See the the following for more details:

  • The Researcher Development Framework page.
  • Vitae (Vitae is a national organisation dedicated to realising the potential of researchers through supporting their professional and career development.)