MPLS Division: Self-assessment of research standing
Area |
Typical rating |
Adjusted ratings for your field |
Number of times you have done this |
International conference chair |
H |
International conference invited plenary speaker |
H |
International conference organising committee |
M |
International conference technical committee |
M |
International conference panel member |
M |
International conference paper presentation |
L |
National conference organiser |
M |
National conference chair |
M |
National conference organising committee |
L |
National conference paper presentation |
L |
Symposium: organiser or chair |
M |
Symposium: invited referee or panellist |
L |
Book author (single author) |
H |
Book series editor |
M |
Book co-author or editor |
M |
Book chapter author |
L |
International journal editor in chief |
H |
International journal: on editorial board |
M |
International conference: published in refereed proceedings |
L |
Journal publication: prime author in high-ranking peer-reviewed journal |
H |
Journal publication: prime author in lower ranking peer-reviewed journal |
M |
Journal publication: co- author in peer-reviewed journal |
L |
Publication: prime author for publication in accessible resource |
L |
External Visiting Professor |
H |
External Visiting Researcher |
H |
Collaborative research project with overseas university |
M |
Collaborative research project with other UK university |
M |
Collaborative research project with industry (with formal agreement in place) |
M |
Informal research collaboration with industry or other body |
L |
Paid consultant to noted organisation or government |
L |
President/Chair of significant national or international Institute or Society |
H |
President or Chair of other significant body |
H |
Member of international advisory body |
M |
Member of national advisory body |
M |
Member of refereeing body or assessment panel |
L |
International honour related to research |
H |
National honour related to research |
H |
National professional award |
M |
National prize |
M |
National TV/radio series |
H |
National TV/radio appearance related to research |
M |
Local TV/radio appearance |
L |
External institution award |
L |
Own institution award |
L |
Major programme grant: PI for |
H |
Substantial individual award from funder |
M |
Modest or small individual award from funder |
L |
Fully-granted patent |
H |
Citations: significant citations leading to high Impact in the field |
H |
Licences for software, technology, processes etc. |
M |
Spin-out company/enterprise |
M |
Research staff go on to significant posts or research independence |
M |
Measured societal benefits |
M |
Research students: completed DPhils |
M |
Research staff: group of trained researchers |
L |
Web-page hits and other social media hits |
L |