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1. Terms of reference

a) To advise the MPLS Divisional Board and the Curators of the University Libraries on all matters relating to the provision of library services and collections in Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences subjects.

b) To consider strategic plans for the effective provision of library services that optimally support teaching and research across the Division, liaising as appropriate, including with other divisions, the academic services sector, and other University bodies.

c) To provide a channel of consultation and communication on developments and proposals in library provision and strategy between the Bodleian Libraries and staff and students of the MPLS Division.

d) To report to the MPLS Board via the MPLS General Purposes Committee on the agreed service levels and financial implication for Bodleian Sciences libraries and the Divisional charge, as part of the annual budget round.

e) To advise the Head of MPLS Libraries on the formulation of the acquisitions budget for
material in MPLS subjects.

2. Membership

A chair appointed by the MPLS Divisional Board

A representative from the Life Sciences

A representative from the Physical Sciences

A representative from Mathematical Sciences

Two representatives from the Bodleian Libraries

A student representative for undergraduates/PGT students

A student representative for PGR students

A representative from the Committee of College Librarians

Co-opted members

Bodley’s Librarian may opt to attend any meeting.

The committee will have the power to co-opt additional members as appropriate.

3. Standing Orders

a) The committee will meet Termly in Week 3, in time to send minutes to the Week 8 (Monday) meeting of the Curators.

b) The Chair will issue, directly or through the Secretary, a call for agenda items before the meeting.

c) The Secretary will prepare the agenda and papers for meetings in liaison with the Chairman.

d) Members of the Committee, including student members, will take appropriate steps to ensure that they are able to represent the views of their constituents on items of business.

e) Where a member is unable to attend a meeting they will take appropriate steps to ensure that they are able to represent the views of their constituents on items of business.

f) Where a member is unable to attend a meeting they are invited to nominate a substitute in advance of the meeting.

g) The minutes of the meeting and any general update presented to the Committee will be submitted to the MPLS Divisional Board and to the Curators of the University Libraries as well as being circulated to members of the Committee for broader communications.

h) An induction pack will be provided to new members, including recent minutes of the CLiPS, terms of reference of the CLiPS, relevant budgetary details, the Bodleian Libraries annual report and strategic plan.