MPLS Graduate Joint Consultative Forum: Terms of Reference
a) Composition
1. Chair: MPLS Associate Head (Research Degrees)
2. Co-Chair: Student Representative elected from members
3. Divisional Graduate Studies Manager (ex officio)
4. Divisional Researcher Training and Development Manager (ex officio)
5 Graduate Student Member of the Divisional Board and its Graduate School Committee
6. SU Vice-President for Graduates (ex officio)
7. Junior Members: One doctoral student from each of the constituent departments and the Doctoral Training Centre of the Division. The representative should be appointed by the JCC(G).
Student members will be expected to represent the interests and concerns of students on all graduate courses at Divisional level, and will be expected to liaise with appropriate representatives on their departmental Joint Consultative Committee, or within their department as necessary.
If a student member cannot attend a meeting of the committee, they should arrange for another graduate student to attend in their stead; the secretary should be informed in all such cases.
b) Period of Office
Student members shall normally serve a period of office of one year and shall normally be re-eligible for continuous office for not more than three years. Student members, who are graduate research students, should normally be in their second year of study, or later years of study.
The Divisional Graduate Studies Manager shall service the forum.
c) Terms of Reference
1. To ensure a regular channel of communication between the Divisional Board, the Academic Committee, the Graduate School Committee, and Graduate Student Members registered as Probationer Research Students, or for the degrees of D.Phil. and M.Sc. by Research.
2. The forum shall consider and report its views on graduate matters as are of broad concern to all subject areas across the Division. For example, graduate admissions, transfer and confirmation of status procedures, teaching and supervision arrangements, career related training, the general arrangements for examinations, resources including laboratory, library, computing and technical facilities, and arrangements for the financial support of students.
The forum shall also consider student welfare and college provision if the Chair deems this appropriate.
The forum shall not consider appointments, or matters having reference to an individual student or employee of the University or colleges.
3. The forum shall be able as of right to address a communication direct to the Graduate School Committee of the Divisional Board, and if the Student members so wish, a deputation of two student members of the committee shall have the right to present the student members’ case at a meeting of the Graduate School Committee. No recommendation from the committee shall be rejected without the student members having been given the opportunity of discussion with the Graduate School Committee.
The Divisional Joint Consultative Forum with Graduates will be advisory only, with no executive powers.
The terms of reference and membership of the forum will be reviewed on an annual basis or more frequently if necessary.
d) Relationships with other Committees
1. The forum will report directly to the Graduate School Committee, which reports to the Divisional Board.
2. Departmental Joint Consultative Committees may also submit reports for information, and/or recommendations, to this committee.
e) Meetings
The forum shall meet once every term on Tuesday of week two of full term at 12.00pm, unless the Chair of the forum for urgent reasons shall order otherwise, or at the request of members of the forum. For the first part of the meeting from 12.00-12.30pm all student representatives are required to meet and discuss any specific issues prior to the main meeting with the Chair and Secretary at 12.30pm.
The Chair of the forum may invite other individuals to meetings of the forum when necessary.
f) Agenda
Forum members are strongly encouraged to put items on the agenda for discussion. The secretary shall keep a record of the minutes of each meeting, and once approved by the Chair, shall circulate the minutes to the forum and forward the report of the meeting to the relevant committees as listed above.