MPLS Grants Sub-committee: Terms of Reference
The committee’s duties and responsibilities are as follows:
- To evaluate applications to the John Fell OUP Fund as follows:
- To assess applications to the John Fell OUP Fund Small Award Scheme and decide on allocations (subject to the right of review held by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research));
- To evaluate and prioritise applications to the John Fell OUP Fund Main Award Scheme for consideration by the central John Fell Fund Committee;
- Head of Division, ex officio (Chair).
- Four members from across the division, including one representative from the Mathematical Sciences (Computer Science, Mathematical Institute, Department of Statistics); one representative from the Physical Sciences (Departments of Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Engineering Science, Materials Science, Physics); and one representative from the Life Sciences (Department of Biology). The fourth member will usually be drawn from the Physical Sciences.
Note: The Head of Division may elect not to serve on the subcommittee; in such circumstances, the Head of Division may nominate one of the four committee members listed under (ii) above to serve as Chair.
Membership rotates through the departments, with Heads of Department asked to nominate members from their permanent academic staff to serve for a period normally of two years. If the Head of Division is not serving as Chair, a member’s term of office may be extended (by up to two years) in order to provide continuity.
The sub-committee will normally meet three times per year, in accordance with the John Fell OUP Fund schedule. Additional meetings may be convened.