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Terms of reference

i. To provide strategic advice to the MPLS IT Committee on the University’s IT and Digital strategy and the implications of this for the division;

ii. Similarly to provide advice to those representing MPLS on IT and Digital matters;

iii. To provide a forum to encourage and exchange best practice in IT and Digital across the division;

iv. To keep a watching brief on the technical aspects of the use of IT and Digital relevant to the division and advise the MPLS IT Committee accordingly;

v. To have oversight over Information Security matters in MPLS, as they pertain to IT and Digital, advising the MPLS IT Committee accordingly.


i. A Chair appointed from within the cohort of departmental IT Managers

ii. The IT Manager (or their representative) from each MPLS department, including the DTC

iii. Chair of the MPLS IT Committee

iv. IT Services representative

v. MPLS / IT Services Business Partner

vi. Representative from the Information Security team