Academic staff in post
This page contains guidelines and forms for use by Heads of Department and academic staff. If you have any queries please contact the Academic Appointments Officer.
Review and Reappointment
Associate Professors are normally appointed for five years in the first instance. Reviews are held at the mid-period (in the third year) and in the fourth-fifth years of appointment. Should these be satisfactory, the Associate Professor is then granted tenure (which is formally called reappointment to the retiring age). Evidence of sufficient progress in research and sufficient contributions to teaching and administration is required at each stage; the review process is much the same at each stage, but differs in the level of attainment expected.
The MPLS Academic Appraisal scheme gives faculty members the opportunity to set aside some time to reflect on what they are doing and what they wish to do, and provides an opportunity to comment on what the University (whether the department, division, or the central bodies) could realistically do to improve individuals’ working lives. The MPLS Academic Appraisal scheme covers MPLS Faculty, including Associate Professors, all staff who hold the title of Associate Professor or the title of (full) Professor, and Statutory Professors.
Links to procedure document and forms:
- MPLS Academic Appraisal Scheme: Objectives and process (Word doc)
- Academic Appraisal form (at request of appraisee or appraiser) (Word doc)
- Academic Appraisal form - Year of compulsory discussion (Word doc)
If you cannot access any of the Word documents please contact the MPLS Communications Team.
Sabbatical Leave
Members of academic staff (joint appointment postholders) are entitled to apply for sabbatical leave under the terms set out in Council Regulations 4 of 2004. Applications should be made through the Head of Department and submitted via the academic appointments officer for divisional approval using the form below.
Sabbatical Application Form (Word doc) (or view the content of the Sabbatical Application as a webpage)
Sabbatical Leave Guidelines (Word doc) (or view the Sabbatical Leave Guidelines as a webpage)
Family Leave
Applications should be made through the department and will be recorded formally by the academic HR team. Central University publishes details of provisions for Family Leave.
See information about career development and training for early career academics, and information about fellowships and other support from research councils, foundations and other sources.
variation of duties
The Variation of Duties framework is designed for academic staff holding Associate Professorships jointly with college Tutorial Fellowships. It provides for periods with variation in the balance of duties between the college and university parts of joint appointments, enabling academics to focus on different aspects of their work at different stages in their careers.
CONSULTANCY with industry
Oxford has unique breadth and depth in its research capabilities and it is keen for its academic staff to work collaboratively with businesses and other organisations to deploy this to the benefit of all involved and to wider society. More information about consultancy and other types of arrangement are available on the Oxford University Innovation website. Note that these arrangements may constitute an 'outside appointment', and so please also consult the information below on the holding of appointments in addition to a University post.
The holding of appointments in addition to a University post is governed by University regulation. Central University publishes details and associated forms on the holding of outside appointments.
Retention matters
In cases where there is an urgent and demonstrable need, the division may make a case to the University’s Senior Appointments Panel requesting exceptional measures to recruit or retain a member of staff. Guidance is available from the academic and strategic HR team leader.
Resignation and Retirements
Notifications should be sent to the department (HR manager and/or Head of Administration and Finance) and will be recorded formally by the divisional academic HR team. Please contact the academic appointments officer for further information.
Extension of employment beyond the retiring age
The University operates an employer justified retirement age for all academic staff, for which form 30 Sep 2023 is the retirement date is the 30 September immediately preceding the 70th birthday. For existing employees any employment beyond the retirement age is subject to approval through the central university's procedures on EJRA.
Duties for Tutorial Fellows in Oxford Colleges
A Tutorial Fellowship represents the College side of a joint appointment, i.e. an appointment which involves a College component and a University component. The University side is represented by an Associate Professorship. The appointee is selected and funded jointly by the College(s) concerned and by the relevant division of the University. See more information on Duties for Tutorial Fellows in Oxford Colleges.
This page contains information on the processes for academic staff in post. Read information about processes for appointing academic staff and appointing heads of department and about award of titles and merit pay. If you have a query about academic staffing that is not answered by the documents on these pages, please contact the Academic HR Team.