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Contributing to a POSTnote is a good way of feeding your expertise into the UK Parliament as part of a trusted, impartial publication.

The Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST) is a bicameral body in the UK Parliament. With more than 30 years of experience in sourcing scientific research evidence for the UK Parliament, POST is one of the first bodies of its kind in the world.

Contributing to a POSTnote is a good way of feeding your expertise into the UK Parliament as part of a trusted, impartial publication. 

This POSTnote will describe the increasing risks from wildfires to landscapes and habitats, and the challenges for managing/mitigating them, such as understanding how wildfires spread to urban areas, ensuring the relevant knowledge and skills in authorities and land managers and having relevant plans and measures in place. 

It would also set out the benefits of doing so, such as ensuring insurance remains affordable for vulnerable communities, protecting carbon stores and meeting biodiversity targets.

Work on this briefing commenced on 8th January and will close to stakeholder contributions week commencing 12th February.

Click here for full details on how to contribute