READ: Has the pandemic changed the publics' attitudes towards science?
A new post on the LSE Impact Blog provides a run-down from several surveys that have looked to assess public attitudes to science during the last year, compared to surveys carried out before the pandemic.
One of the questions that has been on many researchers' minds over the last year or so, is how the spotlight being shone on science in action has affected how the public see science. Has it been for better, or for worse? Have the constant updates, or shifts in understanding been detrimental to public trust or perceptions of science and scientific expertise, or not?
A question that perhaps we still can't give the ultimate answer to, because the story isn't over yet, however there has been quite a lot of work carried out tracking and assessing public attitudes at this time, building on existing surveys, so we're able to understand what has or hasn't changed.
A blog post on the LSE Impact Blog written by a range of engagement with research evaluation experts and researchers reviews the current evidence for public perceptions of and attitudes towards science have shifted over the last year or so, based on such surveys from the UK, Germany, Ireland and the US.
No spoilers here, it's quite a quick read!
Read the post on LSE's Impact Blog by clicking here
What to read next
Public Attitudes to Science 2019 Report
23 July 2020
The Public Attitudes to Science surveys take place every five or so years, taking the pulse of the nation in terms of how people feel about science - covering various aspects of engagement with and trust of science, as well as attitudes towards specific topics.
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Read: Five Rules to Communicate Evidence
27 November 2020
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