Innovation Leadership Programme (ILP) - core programme (in-person & online)
Monday, 20 November 2023 to Wednesday, 29 November 2023, 9am - 5pm
This core programme is delivered by a team from Henley Business School. In addition, separate bookable associated masterclasses take place through Michaelmas, Hilary and Trinity Terms.
This five-module core course provides a blend of online materials, presentations and small group discussion sessions, and aims to give new lecturers, associate professors and senior independent research fellows enhanced skills and confidence in innovation leadership, managing stakeholders and teams, communication and more.
Please note there will be some small group working in the period between the two blocks.
Additional information
The optional masterclasses that make up the full ILP can be taken separately, before or after the core programme, to allow maximum flexibility. Some are delivered over one day and some over a series of lunchtimes, recognising the busyness of researcher's schedules.
They focus on areas such as leading collaboration, applying for translational funding with Innovate UK and how to become engaged in developing public policy, and are delivered by experts from the University of Oxford and partner organisations.
For more information on the full ILP programme please visit the MPLS Enterprise: Innovation Leadership web site.
Our Innovation Leadership Programme (ILP) is designed for new Lecturers/ Associate Professors/Senior Independent Research Fellows (e.g. Royal Society and UKRI funded Fellows).
Dr Catherine Seed
Delivered by Henley Business School and various speakers from across business and academia.
20th November 2023 | 10:00-13:00 (in-person)
22nd November 2023 | 10:00-14:00 (online)
24th November 2023 | 10:00-13:00 (online)
27th November 2023 | Left free for group meetings at a mutually agreed time
29th November 2023 |10:00-16:00 (in-person)
Book your place on the MPLS Innovation Leadership Programme by clicking here.
When registering for this course, please check our Terms and Conditions.