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Find out how Prof Angela Russell combines the worlds of business and research through her academic position and through the companies she has helped to shape and spin-out.


Sharing her experiences from both her academic position and from founding and spinning out multiple companies, Dr Angela J. Russell (she/her) Professor of Medicinal Chemistry, illustrates a vision for the future of academic research and the increasing vital importance of enterprise and entrepreneurship skills.

Additional information

This session will be run online via Zoom - a link will be sent out nearer the time.

Bring your own lunch!

For more information please visit the GroWISE webpage


DPhil students and research staff, MSD, MPLS


Prof Angela Russell embodies being an enterprising academic: she holds a professorial appointment which spans different departments and divisions, and combines the worlds of business and research. Find out how she has navigated these different elements to achieve wins and still find time for family life.


15th Nov 2023 | 12.30 - 14.00


Booking for this course is open - please complete this form to book your place.

Any questions?  Contact Louisa Trevail at:


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