Bodleian Libraries news for MPLS - April 2023
Radcliffe Science Library Diversity Portrait Project
Thanks to everyone who contributed to the Writing Competition and by providing Nominations of great EDI work by their colleagues. Responses will be analysed shortly. We still want more names for our list of historical names as it is currently lacking scientists from black communities connected to science and medicine at Oxford. We recognise that it may be difficult to identify individuals because the contributions and achievements of Black people have been historically often ignored. However, if you know someone, let us know. We also welcome names of black people involved in science and medicine, preferably from UK and the Commonwealth,
- You find inspiring and you want to highlight.
- Who were the first in a white dominated discipline.
- Who were not scientists but made important contributions to research.
Please contact with your suggestions.
Science Direct Ebooks
We have renewed our collection of Science Direct ebooks from Elsevier. The collection has over 20,000 e-books in science, technology and medicine, published between 1949 and 2023, available on Elsevier's ScienceDirect platform. This is an Evidence-Based Selection subscription, which means that after the subscription period we will keep a selection of titles, based on usage levels. Check out the extensive list of titles:
HSTalks: The Biomedical & Life Sciences Collection
For our Resource of the month we are highlighting the HSTalks: The Biomedical & Life Sciences Collection. These talks are very useful for MSD Undergraduate and Graduate students in Biochemistry, BMS, Medicine, Neuroscience and Pharmacology, MPLS Biology Undergraduate and Graduate students, and MSD and MPLS Biology research and teaching staff. Find out more information on our blog.
RSL Reopening
We are still on target to reopen the Radcliffe Science Library for Michaelmas Term 2023. Thank you to everyone who gave us feedback on possible chairs. We’re using your feedback to make our selections now.
As part of our reopening we’re hoping to have an opening event to welcome and welcome back our community of students, researchers, tutors and other University members. To make this a fun event we want you to tell us what you want from an opening event.
- Is there a preferred time or day of the week?
- Are there any activities you would like at the event?
- Do you want guided tours or do you want to rediscover the space yourself?
Let us know any thoughts you have for the reopening of the RSL by emailing