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The British Ecological Society (BES) is offering an opportunity for its members to contribute to the development of science policy in the UK.

Are you passionate about ecological science and eager to to influence policy? The British Ecological Society (BES) is offering a opportunity for researchers to contribute to the development of science policy in the UK. The BES fellowship provides an invaluable platform for ecologists to engage with policy-making and gain hands-on experience in the parliamentary process.

The BES fellowship is open to ecologists are who members of the British Ecological Society, who are in the second, third or fourth year of a PhD, who have a strong interest in policy-making.

The fellowship places researchers within a parliamentary office for a three-month period. Fellows will work alongside policy-makers, providing scientific expertise, conducting research, and contributing to briefings and reports that shape UK environmental policy.

The fellowship is based in London and is set to begin in January 2024. Fellows will be expected to commit to a full-time schedule for the three-month duration of the programme.

The successful applicant will receive a £7,200 award to cover living costs whilst undertaking the fellowship.

If you're interested, applications involve providing a CV, a statement of interest, a two-page briefing on a topic of current interest to parliamentarians, and a letter of support from your supervisor.

The deadline for applications is 23.59 (UK time) Wednesday 12 June 2024.

Click here for more information and to apply