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Join us for Beyond RisingWISE, an exciting online session that brings together inspiring alumnae of the RisingWISE programme to share their diverse career journeys in STEM.


Learn about their experiences in academia, industry, and entrepreneurship. Discover how they navigated their career paths and find out how you can unlock new opportunities within the STEM landscape.

Whether you’re considering academia, industry, or launching a start-up, this event will offer valuable insights into the broad possibilities in STEM.


Book your place on this course here.

Additional information

This session will be run online via Zoom - a link will be sent out nearer the time.

Bring your own lunch!

Please visit the RisingWISE page for more information about the programme.

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Dr. Kärt Tomberg – Co-founder and CEO of biotech company ExpressionEdits, Kärt has transformed her postdoctoral research into a thriving start-up, thanks to the entrepreneurial confidence gained from RisingWISE.

Dr. Selena Milanovic took part in RisingWISE in 2019, while doing her DPhil in bio-engineering at Oxford University. She is now an expert healthcare strategist at Siemens, a world leading company in medical technology. Selena works in an advisory role, driving projects for digital healthcare and at the same time healthcare accessibility working with governments.


23rd  Oct 2024 | 12.30 - 14.00


When registering for this course, please check our Terms and Conditions.