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How can conservation research shape policy and practice?

Researchers in MPLS engage with the policymaking community in a wide range of capacities and contexts. Many have found ways to involve policymakers in their research, giving them a stake in outputs that encourages uptake and leads to impact. Some have developed such a strong reputation, network and trust that they are invited by government or parliament to share their knowledge and expertise, or take up formal roles in the policymaking community.


In our next session, Professor E.J. Milner-Gulland will be joined by Rose Mandisodza and Dr Tim Kuiper, to reflect on their experience of connecting conservation research, policy, and practice.

Tasso Leventis Professor of Biodiversity and Director of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Conservation Science, E.J.’s primary interest is in understanding how social, ecological and behavioural factors interact and affect key issues in conservation. She serves as an advisor to the International Union for Conservation of Nature and the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals, chairs the UK Government’s Darwin Expert Committee, is a Trustee of WWF-UK, and founded the Conservation Optimism movement in 2016.

 Rose is the Chief Ecologist at the Zimbabwe Parks & Wildlife Management Authority, which is responsible for the world’s 2nd largest population of elephants and 4th largest population of rhinos. Tim is an environmental scientist involved in interdisciplinary research on human-nature relations, currently as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Centre for Statistics in Ecology and Conservation at the University of Cape Town. Rose and Tim’s collaboration has included development of policy to combat poaching and improve management of protected areas in Zimbabwe in the scope of an Oxford Policy Engagement Network (OPEN) Fellowship

The masterclass will take place in person, with lunch providedParticipants will have the opportunity to put their questions to the speakers, as well as reflect on how they can engage better with public policy through their own research.


Learning objectives:

-Enhanced understanding of the value of academic research and expertise for different parts of the policymaking community

-Enhanced understanding of the different modes in which researchers engage with the policymaking community, and the challenges and rewards of each

-Enhanced and identify appropriate opportunities. to plan for effective engagement, and learn from it.


These sessions are delivered in association with the Oxford Policy Engagement Network – a diverse range researchers and professional services staff from across the University, who share a share a vision of public policy powered by the world’s best available research evidence and expertise. Membership benefits include regular notification of opportunities related to members’ areas of policy interest. ILP participants are encouraged to join, and can do so in less than 5 minutes at

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