Online Courses
The University has a number of free online courses designed to support you in your research, and which you can complete at your own pace.
Courses available (you will need your Oxford Single Sign-on):
Research Integrity: These courses provide an introduction to research integrity (or good practice in research). They have been designed to support researchers from all disciplines through some of the key issues that need to be considered when planning, conducting and publishing research.
Full details can be found on the Integrity and Ethics Training webpage. The Research Integrity: Core course is compulsory for all University of Oxford research students (either on graduate taught courses or studying for research degrees). There is a concise refresher version of the course available which is suitable for more experienced researchers (eg. postdoctoral researchers and established academic staff).
There are also further supplementary courses available, covering the following aspects of research integrity: Conflicts of Interest; Research Involving Human Participants; The Care & Use of Animals in Research; Intellectual Property; Trusted Research and Export Controls
Avoiding Plagiarism: this online course provides an introduction to the issues surrounding plagiarism. It will help you to acquire some of the necessary skills and judgement to apply to your academic work and publications.