What training do I need?
Information on training and resources for all researchers in MPLS.
Research integrity training is compulsory for all University researchers.
To support your career development, all contract research staff and research fellows in the MPLS Division are entitled to a development review during their first six months of employment, and then an annual development review thereafter.
In addition to this, the Researcher Development Framework (RDF) provides a framework for planning and supporting your personal, professional and career development.
The Researcher Development Framework (RDF)
The RDF provides a framework for planning and supporting the personal, professional and career development for both graduate students and research staff. Details of the RDF, including background information about its development, can be found on the VITAE website. The RDF encourages you to identify your strengths and prioritise your professional development. It helps you consider the skills and experiences that will enhance you career prospects, and articulate your knowledge, behaviours and attributes to employers.