Researcher Development Framework
The Researcher Development Framework (RDF) provides a framework for planning and supporting the personal, professional and career development of graduate students and research staff.
The Researcher Development Framework (RDF)
The RDF provides a framework for planning and supporting the personal, professional and career development of graduate students and research staff. Details of the RDF, including background information about its development, can be found on the VITAE website. The RDF encourages you to identify your strengths and prioritise your professional development. It helps you consider the skills and experiences that will enhance you career prospects, and articulate your knowledge, behaviours and attributes to employers.
The Researcher Development Statement (RDS)
The RDS is a more concise document that has been derived from the RDF. The RDS is intended to be used by organisations that provide training and professional development courses for researchers, including postgraduate research students. Further details of the RDS can be found on the VITAE website.
Both documents are made up of four top level domains which encompass the knowledge, behaviour and attributes that are needed to be a successful researcher. These are:
A: Knowledge and intellectual abilities
B: Personal effectiveness
C: Research governance and organisation
D: Engagement, influence and impact
You may find both documents useful in planning your own professional development.