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To attract and retain the best and the brightest, we aim to make the department an outstanding workplace for researchers, where researchers’ contributions are celebrated and their professional and career goals are fully supported.  The purpose of this Career & Development Review (CDR) is to give researchers an opportunity to reflect on their current work, and develop an ambitious plan for the future. 

This review is not linked in any way to references, discipline, reappointment or promotion. 


For Researcher: Please attach an up-to-date copy of your CV.

  • Answer the questions below – please expand the text boxes as necessary. The questions ask you to think about your achievements and plans in key areas which researchers typically need to develop in order to progress their careers, whether in or outside of academia. Questions in the left column generally refer to achievements, or skills and experiences that you have already gained. The right column prompts you to consider your future plans.  Consider appropriate timelines or deadlines for your future actions, as well as support offered by the University.
  • Submit this form with an up-to-date CV to the reviewer at least one week before your scheduled review.

For Reviewer: Review the form and CV prior to the scheduled meeting. 

  • Help identify areas where the researcher could take action to further her or his career goals, and give suggestions on the CV. 
  • Assist with selecting and prioritising concrete actions to accomplish, and suggest targets and deadlines. 
  • Consider training and resources available through the department, MPLS Division, the Oxford Learning Institute, Career Services, and Research Services.
  • If there is a colleague within the department or even outside the department or University who may be able to assist the researcher, consider facilitating the connection.
  • Write down your comments to summarise any advice, guidance, and suggested next steps given.

Meeting and follow-up: The researcher and reviewer meet to discuss the researcher’s achievements to date, future plans, and the main activities that the researcher should complete in the next 6 to 12 months to realise those plans. Agree objectives and next steps for the following 6 to 12 months and note these at the end of this form. Both parties should keep a copy of this form and the reviewer should provide a copy to the departmental personnel office.  


Only the researcher, reviewer, and departmental personnel office should retain the completed documentation, and strict confidentiality should be maintained.  Where general matters of concern are raised, confidentiality should be preserved and individuals should not be named.

If you have any questions about CDR, please contact: [name to be inserted by Department]




Contract start date:

End date: 

Principal Investigator, Mentor or Reviewer: 


Current Post and Career Aspirations:

  • What are your current job responsibilities and the focus of your research thus far?  What are your key achievements from the last 6 to 12 months?
  • Where do you see yourself working in 3 to 5 years?  What do you hope to achieve in your career in the long-term? 

Writing and Publications:

  • What have you published?  What other writing experience do you have (e.g. report writing, manuscript writing and editing, assisting with peer review, journal editing)?
  • What future writing projects have you considered? 

Funding, Fellowships and Awards:

  • Have you applied for fellowships or other grants or awards/recognition (e.g. independent research fellowships, early career fellowships, small equipment grants, large facility access, conference travel)?
  • What opportunities do you plan to pursue? 

Job Skills, Project Management and Training:

  • What research and technical skills have you acquired?  Have you managed projects? What training opportunities have you participated in within the last year?
  • What skills or training might you need?  

Communication Skills:

  • What opportunities have you had to practise your oral communication skills (e.g. lab talks, conferences, outreach and public engagement activities)?
  • What specific opportunities should you seek to improve your communication skills? 


  • Have you attended (and/or presented your work at) internal or external conferences and seminars?  Joined or taken leadership roles in any professional societies or networks?  Made connections with collaborators outside of your own group (e.g. locally, nationally, internationally in academia or industry; or experience a period of work in another lab)?
  • What future networking, collaboration, or leadership opportunities can you take advantage of? 

Teaching and Supervision:

  • What experience have you had with teaching and supervising/managing junior group members or students (e.g. technical supervision in the lab, lab demonstrating, tutorials, lab management)?
  • What other teaching and supervising experiences would be beneficial? 

Other thoughts? Any problems encountered? 

Development actions for the next 6 to 12 months 


Date of meeting: 

Researcher signature: 

Reviewer signature: