Learn about Public Engagement with Research at your own pace
For busy researchers keen to get a primer on the basics of public engagement with research, we have created a new online course that you can complete whenever suits.
Agile Initiative for Environmental Science Researchers
The NERC funded The Agile Initiative (ox.ac.uk) is delivering development opportunities for environmental science researchers, and those wishing to work on tractable challenges related environmental science.
Watch: Introduction to Evaluating Public Engagement with Research workshop
The presentation portion of this workshop, delivered by the PER team in research services, is now available to watch.
Gov't Research and development, people and culture strategy
This strategy sets out government’s ambition to build the research and innovation workforce the UK needs, working in a positive and inclusive culture.
New Enterprising Women SeedWISE programme - what, why and how?
Blog post explaining the SeedWISE programme aims, content and next iteration.
Research Staff & Fellows: get your voice heard!
MPLS Town Hall Meeting for Fixed Term Research Staff and Fellows, Tuesday 23 February 2021, noon
Science Minister commits to changing research culture
Amanda Solloway reveals how her personal experience of harassment has driven her commitment to overhaul research culture
Speakers announced for MPLS Welcome to Women in STEM networking event!
The Welcome to Women in STEM (virtual) networking event is run by MPLS on behalf of the women's societies. The event offers the chance to learn new networking skills with Professor Nessa Carey, chat informally with other women in STEM and meet representatives from the societies. Industry partners will also attend in our virtual exhibition area.
UKRI Early Career Researcher Forum opens to applications
18 January 2021
UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) is calling on postdoctoral researchers, research associates and other early career researchers to join its new Early Career Researcher Forum.
Skoll Centre Early Career Research Fellowships: Call for Applications:
6 January 2021
Recognising and supporting early career academics working to generate knowledge that accelerates social impact.
MPLS Enterprise and Innovation Fellows 2021
17 November 2020
If you are an entrepreneurially minded post-doc, why not apply to be an Enterprise and Innovation Fellow, working with us to shape and sustain development of our Enterprise programme, supporting researchers to explore the creative and commercial potential of their work.
Free course: Become a Better Presenter: Improve Your Public Speaking Skills
FutureLearn is hosting this free three-week course, created by staff at the Royal Observatory Greenwich and the Presenter Network. Learn how to improve your presentation skills (face to face and digitally) and add personality into your presentation style.
Head of UKRI speaks out on diversity in research system
Ottoline Leyser says: We must reshape the system so it genuinely values and supports difference
Science minister speaks about wellbeing for researchers and improving research evaluation.
Amanda Solloway spoke about the promoting a culture of wellbeing for researchers and improving the way we evaluate research at the Vitae Connections 2020 Conference.
UKRI publishes plan to support researcher careers
The research councils commit to supporting the new Concordat
Free online courses - inspiring young people with STEM
These self-paced courses, created by the National STEM Learning Centre to support STEM Ambassadors, take you through the key ingredients of creating high quality activities that cater for young people, and covers diversity and inclusion, too.
Vitae Benefits for Researchers
Do you have ideas to improve the research culture?
Wellcome Trust, research culture, change
What researchers think about the culture they work in.
Wellcome report of 4000 researchers experience of research culture "paints a shocking portrait of the researcher environment".
UKRI: Next steps in tackling bullying and harassment
UK Research and Innovation, stopping bullying and harassment