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  • Registration once a year (confirm personal and academic details, via student self-service)
  • Submit a GSR report each term 
  • Complete the University’s Research Integrity Training (must be done before applying for transfer of status)
  • Transfer of Status from PRS to either MSc by Research or DPhil (complete GSO.2 via Student Self-Service under the My student record tab) 
  • Confirmation of DPhil Status (for DPhil students only) (complete GSO.14 via Student Self-Service under the My student record tab)   
  • Application for appointment of examiners (complete online GSO.3 via Student Self-Service under the My student record tab)  


  • Submit a digital copy of your thesis via the Research Thesis Digital Submission (RTDS) Portal (complete GSO.3a & 26)
  • Viva date arranged by internal examiner
  • Submit minor corrections (if necessary) to examiners                                
  • Result notification letter sent to you from the Research Degrees Team (RDT), Examination Schools
  • Submit thesis electronically via ORA
  • Book graduation ceremony
  • Receive Degree Certificate following degree ceremony
  • Request degree confirmation letter from Degree Conferrals Office (if required)