Progression and Key Milestones
This section contains information about transfer and confirmation of status, and the removal from the register process following unsatisfactory performance.
We have created a useful Research Student Progress checklist for you to use to aid you through your studies,
- Download the Student Progress checklist as a Word document
- View the Student Progress Checklist as a webpage
There are also some flow charts that provide an outline of three usual student research careers (if you have difficulty accessing the content of these, please contact the MPLS Communications Team):
- MPLS Progress Flowchart for DPhil Students (Word document)
- MPLS Progress Flowchart for MSc by Research students (Word document)
- MPLS Progress Flowchart for Doctoral Training Programmes (Word document)
The University has two formal milestones to measure your progress, the first being transfer of status, and the second is confirmation of status (for DPhil students only). A key to understanding your own progression is having a well-developed plan to monitor your progress. You might find the MPLS Division Project Initiation Plan useful, or your department might have a standard scope for your planning.
- Download the MPLS Division Project Initiation Plan as a Word document
- View the MPLS Division Project Initiation Plan as a webpage
COVID-19 Additional academic support – Supporting Students to Submission
From 1st July 2020 additional academic support was made available for postgraduate research students who were impacted by the pandemic. If your research was disrupted by COVID-19, it is possible to have this taken into account in milestone assessments (Transfer, Confirmation) and viva examinations. You still need to meet the qualitative requirements, but the examiners may be able to take into account the impact of the pandemic on the volume and/or type of research produced. See the MPLS Transfer Confirmation and Submission Guidance. The following form should be used to capture all the relevant information for your transfer of status, and included at the front of your report.
- Download the Impact of Covid-19 form as a Word document
- View the Impact of Covid-19 form as a webpage
Transfer of status
We have created a useful checklist for you to use to support you through the preparations for your transfer of status assessment. It maps directly to the assessment forms that your assessors will be using so the criteria are transparent.
- Download the Transfer of Status checklist as a Word document
- View the Transfer of Status checklist as a webpage
What is the transfer of status?
As a new research student you will first be admitted as a Probationer Research Student (PRS). The purpose of the transfer process is to ensure that you have a convincing research proposal, that you are making satisfactory progress in its development, and to satisfy the assessors that the work is potentially of DPhil or MSc by Research quality.
The MPLS preparing for transfer of status form can be used as a useful resource in your supervisory meetings to help prepare you for your transfer of status. The questions are designed to help you reflect on the criteria your assessors will be considering for your transfer examination.
Before applying for transfer of status you must ensure that you have completed the University’s online Research Integrity Training.
Timing for transfer of status
At the time of transfer it will be necessary to decide whether to apply for transfer to MSc by Research or DPhil status. Transfer of status must take place and be achieved no later than four terms after admission, subject to any specific regulations. You are advised to apply to transfer status before the end of eighth week of the fourth term from admission, in order to allow sufficient time for the process to be completed.
- Doctoral Training Programmes
For students on a Doctoral Training Programme transfer of status must take place and be achieved no later than six terms after admission, subject to any specific regulations. You are advised to apply to transfer status before the end of the fifth term from admission and no later than the end of eighth week of the sixth term, in order to allow sufficient time for the process to be completed.
Regulations relating to the timing of transfer of status
The Special Regulations of the Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Division, are set out in the Examination Regulations.
General advice on the appropriate timing in your department will be provided by your Director of Graduate Studies. Students registered on a Doctoral Training Programme will have a different timetable available from their Course Administrator. All relevant milestone dates are contained in your 'Important information about your course' e-mail, which is sent out to new students from week four of the first term. You should keep this in a safe place for future reference. Some funding bodies have conditions that require students to have successfully completed their transfer of status after one year before they will renew their award for the following year. Your supervisor will be able to advise you on the appropriate timing of transfer of status.
Research integrity training
From Michaelmas term 2018, all students are required to complete the University’s online Research Integrity training course, before applying for Transfer of Status.
Deferral of transfer of status
If it is necessary for you to defer your transfer of status an application must be made by you with the support of your supervisor, using form, GSO.2b, and should be submitted before the end of the fourth full term after admission. You may only apply for up to two terms deferral. Please note that approval will only be granted in exceptional circumstances, and a first application for transfer of status must take place within the six term limit of PRS status (eight terms for doctoral training programmes).
What forms do I need to complete to transfer status?
You will need to complete the online transfer of status, GSO.2 form. The DGS will use this form to sign and confirm that you are ready to be assessed. Your transfer assessors will also be given a copy of your GSO.2 form.
If your research has been disrupted by COVID-19, you should also complete the Impact of Covid-19 form (see links above, under 'Covid-19 Additional Academic Support') and include it at the front of your transfer report.
How do I submit my written work?
You will need to upload your written work to evision via Student Self-Service under the My student record tab. Your assessors will then be granted access to your written work, and other forms/documents that you have submitted.
Consideration of transfer of status applications
Transfer applications should be considered by a minimum of two assessors on behalf of the divisional board, neither of whom should be your supervisor or a member of your supervisory team. In some departments your Head of Department and the relevant Director of Graduate Studies (if they are not your supervisor) may be involved. Each department has its own detailed assessment procedures, which should include as a minimum the following three components:
- submission of written work. Each department will set out its own requirements in this area. Examples of the type of written work which may be required include: a progress report; a literature review; any required course work; a plan for the development of your research over the next two-three years; any published papers.
- an interview with your assessors, which should allow you the opportunity to summarise and discuss your research to date.
- a brief presentation or talk. This need not be part of the transfer interview. For example, it could be a presentation at a departmental seminar series.
It is essential that you check what is required with your departmental graduate studies administrator.
Following your transfer assessment you and your supervisor will be provided with feedback (once the recommendation has been approved), which should include an assessment of the viability and suitability of the proposed research, and of its completion on a reasonable timescale.
Please note that your assessors may recommend a range of possible outcomes, including transfer to the relevant lower degree. Assuming you come through the assessment procedure satisfactorily, you will be formally allowed to transfer status. If your first application for transfer to DPhil or MSc by Research status is not approved, you may make one further application. An extension of time of one term will be granted if necessary to make the second application. If your second attempt at transfer is unsuccessful, and transfer to the relevant lower degree (having been considered by the assessors) has not been recommended, you will no longer be able to continue with your studies, and you will be removed from the Register of Graduate Students.
Confirmation of status
We have created a useful checklist for you to use to support you through the preparations for your confirmation of status assessment. It maps directly to the assessment forms that your assessors will be using so the criteria are transparent.
- Download the Confirmation of Status checklist as a Word document
- View the Confirmation of Status checklist as a webpage
What is the confirmation of status?
The purpose of confirmation of status is to enable research students to receive an assessment of their work by two assessors, other than your supervisor(s). It is intended to provide an important indication that if work on the thesis continues to develop satisfactorily, then consideration of submission of the thesis within the student's funded period/four years (for DPhil) would appear to be reasonable. It therefore provides a second stage of formal progress review in the four years of the student's overall research programme. It should be noted that successful completion of confirmation of status provides an indicator only for readiness for submission, not for the final outcome of the examination of the thesis.
The MPLS preparing for confirmation of status form can be used as a useful resource in your supervisory meetings to help prepare you for your confirmation of status. The questions are designed to help you reflect on the criteria your assessors will be considering for your confirmation assessment.
Timing for confirmation of status
Confirmation of status for D.Phil. students must take place no later than nine terms after admission to graduate status. You are advised to apply for confirmation of DPhil status before the end of eighth week of the eighth term after admission as a graduate research student.
- Doctoral Training Programmes
For students commencing on a Doctoral Training Programme from October 2014 confirmation of status must take place no later than ten terms after admission to graduate status, subject to any specific regulations. You are advised to apply for confirmation of status before the end of eighth week of the tenth term after admission. However, each department has its own set timing and requirements, so please ensure you check this with your relevant department/CDT administrator.
The timetables above have been set to allow sufficient time to make confirmation of status a helpful part of your development as a scientific researcher. You are therefore encouraged very strongly to apply for confirmation of status at least 6-12 months before you expect to submit your thesis for examination.
Deferral of confirmation of status
Directors of Graduate Studies are able to approve requests to defer confirmation of status in exceptional cases. If, for good reason, you are unable to submit your application for confirmation of status by the end of your ninth term (tenth term for doctoral training programmes), you may apply to defer this for up to a maximum of three terms (up to two terms for some doctoral training programmes), subject to any specific regulations, with the support of your supervisor, by completing form GSO.14b before the end of your ninth term. It is for the Director of Graduate Studies in each department to decide how many terms a candidate may be allowed to defer.
Any DPhil students who have not submitted their application for confirmation of status by the end of their ninth term (tenth for doctoral training programmes), and who have not applied to defer their confirmation, will have their status as a graduate student lapsed and will need to apply for reinstatement to the register of graduate students in order to resume their studies.
If you have not applied for confirmation of status by the end of your twelfth term after admission, taking into account any periods of suspension of status, your department will undertake a formal review of your progress. You will be entered, or formally considered, by the department for confirmation of status. Your Director of Graduate Studies will provide further information. The purpose is to ensure that you receive a formal review of your progress before any extensions of time are applied for.
What forms do I need to complete for confirmation of status
You will need to complete the online confirmation of status, GSO.14 form. The DGS will use this form to sign and confirm that you are ready to be assessed. The form asks you and your supervisor to provide a clear indication of your progress to date, and the timetable for submission of your thesis. Your confirmation assessors will also be given a copy of your GSO.14 form.
How do I submit my written work?
You will need to upload your written work to evision via Student Self-Service under the My student record tab. Your assessors will then be granted access to your written work, and other forms/documents that you have submitted.
Consideration of confirmation of status applications
The requirements for confirmation of status may vary for each department within the following framework:
- all applications must be reviewed by two assessors, other than your supervisor(s), one of whom may be your Director of Graduate Studies (if they are not your supervisor);
- you will be asked to produce a brief written report about your research achievements to date. The specific requirements will be set out by your department, and might include a publication(s) or draft chapter(s) from your thesis, and your plans, and the timetable, for submission of your thesis;
- an interview with your assessors, which should allow you the opportunity to summarise and discuss your research to date.
It is essential that you check what is required for confirmation of status with your departmental graduate studies administrator.
Following your confirmation assessment you and your supervisor will be provided with feedback, which will include an assessment of your progress and the likelihood that you will be able to submit your thesis within the planned timescale (as set out by you on the application form).
If your first application for confirmation of status is not approved, you may make one further application normally within one term of the original application. An extension of time of one term will be granted if necessary to make the second application.
If a candidate's application for confirmation of status is unsuccessful, the board may approve a transfer from DPhil to MSc by Research status. If your second attempt at confirmation is unsuccessful, and transfer to the relevant lower degree (having been considered by the assessors) has not been recommended, you will no longer be able to continue with your studies, and you will be removed from the Register of Graduate Students.
Appeals for transfer and confirmation of status
If you wish to contest the outcome of the transfer or confirmation assessment, either on procedural or academic grounds, you should first discuss the matter with your Director of Graduate Studies. Where a concern is not satisfactorily settled by that means, then you, your supervisor, or your college authority may put your appeal directly to the Proctors. The Proctors can only consider whether the procedure for reaching an academic decision were properly followed, and cannot challenge the academic judgement of the assessors. Please view the University complaints and appeals processes.
Removal from the Register
When a student’s academic performance is unsatisfactory, or there are other concerns about a student’s academic progress the department may find it necessary to initiate the removal from the register process. However, before starting the formal process, your department, in close discussions with your supervisor and college will always try and help support you through this period, which may involve making suitable adjustments to your study, and, or seeking help and advice from other sources. Students whose academic performance remains below the standard required will be advised at every stage of the options available to them, including voluntary withdrawal, a period of suspension, and requesting to change their registration to another degree (if appropriate).