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This section includes important and essential information for completing your graduate supervision reports via the Graduate Reporting System (GSR). It also provides information on yours and your supervisor's responsibilities, and what you should do if you need to request to change your supervisor.

Supervision reports and Graduate Supervision Reporting (GSR)

Graduate Supervision Reporting (GSR) allows students and their supervisors to report on the student’s progress in their research project, and to reflect on your development as an independent researcher.  Supervisors are required to write formal reports on your academic progress at the end of each term, and now during the Long Vacation.

       -  Am I required to submit a report?

It is mandatory for all research students within MPLS to submit a reflective report on their progress each term via GSR. You will be sent an e-mail inviting you to log into GSR (via student self service) at the beginning of week 7 of each term to submit a self-assessment report (GSR is open for students from Monday of week 7 to Friday of week 9 of each term. You will be prompted to list completed training / identify any other training needs and provide a comprehensive overview of your progress. You can also set a flag if you have any concerns with your academic progress. This will be highlighted to your Supervisor(s), Director of Graduate Studies, and College Adviser. Once your report is submitted your supervisor(s) then completes a report on your progress, which will be available for you to view. If you do not submit a report either for two subsequent terms, or for two terms out of three (on a rolling basis) this will trigger you being invited to a meeting with the Director of Graduate Studies to discuss your progress.

Further details regarding use and access to the system will be communicated to students and supervisors by email.

Information and guidance on what to include in your reports can be found in the MPLS policy and notes of guidance for GSR. You must not use the supervision report form to raise any formal complaints about the supervision which you are receiving, you should raise these with the Director of Graduate Studies for your department.

Yours and your supervisor's responsibilities

The responsibilities of supervisors are set out in full in the University’s Policy on Research Degrees.

Your supervisor(s) will be your main source of information and advice throughout the course of your research. Their responsibilities include giving you early advice about the nature of research and the standard expected, and about planning the framework of your research programme; arranging financial support for the research; advising you about literature sources, and attendance at lectures and classes; arranging any instruction needed in research techniques; meeting with you regularly to discuss your work and skills training needs; directing your efforts as necessary; and giving you informal assessments of your progress.

Some students will have a single member of staff as their supervisor, and some may have joint supervision, especially when a project involves drawing upon expertise in more than one area. In all cases, individual supervisors are required to identify at least one colleague to be available for limited consultation by the supervisee during the first year.

The responsibilities of graduate research students are also set out in full in the University’s Policy on Research Degrees.

The University expects all students to accept their obligation to act as a responsible member of the University’s academic community, and to take ultimate responsibility for their research programme (including subject‑specific, research, personal and professional skills training,) and for developing an appropriate working relationship with their supervisor(s). The main elements of your research programme should normally be reviewed with your supervisor(s) during your first term, although in some subjects this review may take place in the second term. The discussion will include establishing regular meetings with your supervisor(s), agreeing aims and objectives for the first year, and reviewing the facilities available to you, such as laboratory provision (bench space); library provision; access to appropriate computer facilities, including e-mail and the internet; access to telephone and departmental common room facilities. In order to get the most benefit from your supervision, you should follow a few basic guidelines.

  • Discuss with your supervisor(s) the type of guidance and comment that you would find most helpful.
  • Agree on a regular schedule of meetings.
  • Do not hesitate to take the initiative in raising problems or difficulties, however elementary they may seem.
  • Try to maintain progress in accordance with an agreed plan of work, and if this is not possible, discuss the reasons with your supervisor as soon as possible.
  • Keep systematic records of all that has been attempted and accomplished.
  • Hand in written work (including thesis drafts) sufficiently ahead of time to allow your supervisor time to review your work.
  • Above all, be open and frank; with good communication, you are likely to make good progress.

Further information can be found in the MPLS Code of Practice on the Supervision of Graduate Research Students.


What should I do if I need/want to change my supervisor, or if I need to add a supervisor to my record?

If you are unhappy with the arrangements for your supervision, particularly if you want to change your supervisor, you should first try to discuss the situation with your present supervisor. If, for any reason, you do not wish to do this, then you should contact the Director of Graduate Studies for your department. It is the responsibility of the relevant Director of Graduate Studies to approve a change or an addition of a supervisor. If a change is agreed you will need to complete a GSO.25 form.

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