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The purpose of transfer is to ensure that you have a convincing research proposal, that you are making satisfactory progress in its development, and to satisfy the assessors that the work is potentially of DPhil or MSc(R) quality. The assessors will also use the process to assess and confirm the likelihood of submission within your funded period/within 12 terms (for DPhil) or 9 terms (for MSc(R)).

Students must complete the University’s online research integrity training (an introduction to good research practice) before applying for transfer. 

What assessors will be expecting/looking for from students at Transfer of Status:

  • That you have a well-defined research project, with clear goals. You should have presented a statement of the subject of your thesis and the appropriate written work as defined by your department.
  • That you are well-suited and able to undertake advanced research.
  • That you show evidence that the project is likely to yield sufficient results in the time available, e.g. through a plan of work with key milestones.
  • That you are likely to submit within your funded period/within 12 terms (for DPhil) or 9 terms (for MSc(R)).
  • That you are able to work independently as appropriate.
  • That there is the potential for your work to make a significant and substantial contribution to your field of study.
  • That you have engaged well with both academic training and professional development/career skills activities. You should also be able to show what further activities you expect to engage with.
  • That you have good general background knowledge of the field related to your work.
  • That your work to date is of a good standard and quality. 
  • That you are able to express ideas clearly, in English, both in writing and orally.
  • That your ideas and plans for future work are clear and realistic.
  • That you can defend your completed and future work.
  • You should have a statement of support from your supervisor and college.
  • You should have a critical understanding of relevant literature.

Add any Department Specific Guidance here:



Please note that you do not need to wear sub-fusc. 



  • Arrange meeting(s) with supervisor(s) to discuss transfer requirements

  • Define/agree proposed research project

  • Check department deadlines and requirements for transfer with (relevant department contact)

  • Complete University’s online Research Integrity Training (this MUST be completed before you apply for Transfer of Status

  • Draft/prepare transfer work following department requirements, which should include a research proposal and timeline

  • Submit transfer work to all members of your supervisory team for review, allowing sufficient time for review and feedback

  • Refine/complete transfer work following supervisor(s)’ feedback

  • Complete any relevant forms (GSO.2 form via Student Self-Service under the My student record tab)

  • Upload transfer work to evision (via Student Self-Service under the My student record tab) for assessment by required deadline

  • Transfer assessors appointed by Department/DGS

  • Transfer assessment date arranged by assessors/department

  • Official confirmation of recommendation from the MPLS Graduate Office received, with a copy of the assessors’ report

Other key points:

  • Research Ethics Approval has been applied for (if relevant)
  • Keep a log/record of any permission for inclusion of 3rd party copyright material
  • Keep a log/record of any subject-specific (e.g. research methodology; data analysis and management; record keeping; bibliographical skills; presentation of research) and personal and professional skills (e.g. time management, language skills, IT skills, team work, problem solving, presentation skills, teaching skills, career planning) which you have already acquired during the course of your time as a Probationary Research Student
  • Identify any skills which might require further development or refinement
  • Keep a record of any other academic and professional activities, (e.g. presentation of posters, attendance at seminars and conferences, courses attended, publications, opportunities to undertake teaching, etc.). Students should keep a record of all activities – they may or may not have made a contribution to the development of your work.