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Statement of Authorship for joint/multi-authored papers for PGR thesis

To appear at the end of each thesis chapter submitted as an article/paper. 

The statement shall describe the candidate’s and co-authors’ independent research contributions in the thesis publications. For each publication there should exist a complete statement that is to be filled out and signed by the candidate and supervisor (only required where there isn’t already a statement of contribution within the paper itself). 

 Title of Paper:



Publication Status

  • Published
  • Accepted for Publication
  • Submitted for Publication
  • Unpublished and unsubmitted work written in a manuscript style


Publication Details


e.g. Russell, L., Marshall, S. K., & Young, R. A. (2010). Cross-national comparisons of background and confidence in visual arts and music education of pre-service primary teachers. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 30(4), 65-78

Student Confirmation

Student name:
Contribution to the paper

e.g. performed analysis on all samples, interpreted data, wrote manuscript


Signature: Date:


Supervisor Confirmation

By signing the Statement of Authorship, you are certifying that the candidate made a substantial contribution to the publication, and that the description described above is accurate. 

Supervisor name and title:

Supervisor comments


Signature: Date:

This completed form should be included in the thesis, at the end of the relevant chapter.